
Megalodontia Megalodontia is a phrase translated from ancient Greek. It consists of two words, the first is “megas” - “big”; the second is “odontos” - “tooth”. That is, in essence, we are dealing with a word that describes the condition or position of a person’s teeth in the oral cavity of the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both jaws.

The phenomenon of megalodontia is widely known in medicine and dentistry of all times. For many centuries it was used in dental practice to designate chewing teeth. Gradually, the phenomenon of megalodontia moved from the professional language of doctors into everyday language. Nevertheless, the everyday meaning of the word was not lost. Thus, at present, the majority of the population considers it synonymous with the concept of “megalodon”, understanding it as not an animal at all. However, next we will take a closer look at the opinion of experts.

Symptoms Manifestations of large teeth most often occur in prepubertal adolescence. Some teenagers find it difficult to pronounce certain words and even simple sentences. But for others, the expression occurs gradually, sometimes unnoticed by others. Also keep in mind that the symptoms of the condition depend on the individual characteristics of the patient. For example, people may react differently depending on their culture, habits, and personal experiences.

The main symptom of hyperdontia is physical in nature - the presence of rather large chewing teeth in a person. The development of the following signs is observed: * Pain when chewing. Dental hypertrophy causes tooth enamel to wear away, resulting in unpleasant pain. They are a response to active mechanical load. The pain is localized in one or several jaws at once. The burning sensation often spreads to the oral cavity. Attacks become pronounced when eating rough food or large amounts of food.

Metabolic disorders are an important sign of hypertrophy of third molars. Due to prolonged untimely meals, a person develops a deficiency of nutritional components, vitamins, and minerals. This does not immediately cause hyperplasia of some groups of teeth, since the body has significant reserves of substances. But with severely advanced pathological processes, metabolic disorders become obvious. They appear at the second stage of the disease, when a person tries to compensate for the lack of useful elements. Symptoms of exchange are manifested by: burning of the tongue; tingling in the mouth; dryness in the larynx; nausea in the morning; constipation; increased sweating; strong thirst; unstable emotional state. If multi-tooth anomalies arose in childhood, the symptoms of menopause in women and men will naturally go away without medical intervention. In this case, any problems can arise only if you want to remove the teeth. If this desire does not arise over time, the problems will get stronger - an increasing amount of food will constantly flow to the teeth, which will begin to be released into the teeth.