Irritating Flea

Pulex irritans, also known as the human flea, is one of the most common types of fleas. It is a parasite of humans and animals, including dogs, cats and rats, and can cause bites that can lead to itching, irritation and even infection.

Fleas are blood-sucking insects and use their sharp teeth to pierce skin and drink blood. Flea bites can cause irritation and itching, and some people may experience allergic reactions.

The human flea is distributed throughout the world, especially in warm and humid climates. It can be found in homes and outdoors, including dirty and dusty places.

Flea control can be difficult because they can multiply quickly and spread throughout your home. To prevent fleas, it is recommended to regularly clean your home, especially carpets and upholstered furniture, and regularly treat your pets with special flea medications.

If you are faced with a flea problem in your home, it is recommended that you seek help from a pest control professional. They can offer a variety of flea control methods, including chemicals and heat treatments.

In conclusion, the human flea is a common parasite that can cause irritation and itching. To prevent the appearance of fleas, it is necessary to regularly clean the house and treat animals with special preparations. If you have a problem with fleas, it is recommended to seek professional help.