Irritation Syndrome

Irritation syndrome

Irritation syndrome is a group of neurological syndromes of various etiologies. All of them are characterized by the occurrence of the following symptoms: motor, sensory and autonomic disorders in the area of ​​innervation of a certain nerve or nerve root.

The cause of occurrence is irritation of various origins of the peripheral or central nervous

Irritation syndrome (or nerve irritation) is a phenomenon that occurs in the human body when the nerve fibers or centers of the nervous system receive too many impulses, which causes unpleasant sensations. This syndrome can have various causes, such as stress, diseases of the internal organs, injuries, etc.

Irritation syndrome can manifest itself in various forms, for example, in the form of headache, increased excitability, decreased appetite, etc. In some cases, this syndrome can lead to serious consequences such as insomnia or depression.

One of the causes of irritation syndrome is a change in the chemical composition of nerve fibers in our body. When nerve cells do not receive enough oxygen, they