
Ischii is a large muscle from the thigh muscle group (gluteus maximus - half to three-quarters of the muscle and gluteus medius). The muscle consists of a single layer of muscle fiber bundles at the site of its attachment to the fascia lata, where large venous trunks lie. It is located in the large (deep) muscles of the pelvis, connecting the ischium to the thigh; a short branch of the muscle goes to the external obturator foramen. A long branch descends from above to the femur behind and laterally along the lateral surface, covers the head of the femur and is attached to the greater trochanter. The anterior surface of the short branch is adjacent to the inguinal ligament from above and is in contact with the anterior superior iliac spine.

Function: when the pelvis is in a fixed position, it enhances hip extension, and when walking upright, it is especially important due to the elevation of the body by bringing the ischial tuberosities closer together