
  1. Isolation is the separation of a patient with an infectious disease from healthy people. The purpose of isolation is to prevent the spread of an infectious disease. Isolation can be carried out in a hospital, at home or in specially equipped rooms. During isolation, the patient receives the necessary treatment, and healthy people are protected from infection. Isolation is one of the most important methods of combating epidemics. See also Quarantine.

  2. In surgery, isolation is the separation of any one tissue from its surrounding tissues using special surgical instruments. The purpose of tissue isolation is to provide the surgeon with better access and visibility during surgery. For example, bowel surgery may require isolating a section of bowel from surrounding tissue. Isolation allows the operation to be performed carefully and with minimal tissue damage.

Isolation in medicine

In medicine, isolation refers to taking measures against a patient with an infection to protect the environment from the spread of the disease, as well as isolating recovered patients.

Isolation is an important step in the treatment of infectious diseases to prevent the spread of the epidemic. It is often used when the source of infection, the method of infection, or the degree of danger of the pathogen is not known. Most often, this measure is carried out as part of anti-epidemic measures. As a rule, isolation is accompanied by medical observation and preventive treatment (for example, antibiotic therapy).

For intestinal infections, the first stage of prevention is isolation of the patient. This happens for the following reasons:

- There are contagious and bacterial diseases. - The main source of infection is usually not those patients who have the first clinical signs of the disease, but those who have a milder form of the disease (most often the incubation period). - As a rule, identifying people from the environment of the sick person or the environment of the patient himself is the key point after which effective isolation and taking measures to prevent further outbreaks becomes possible.

It should also be remembered that isolation is not a procedure for preventing and identifying the disease. This is one way to prevent further infection of people. It is used only in case of suspicion of the presence of an infectious disease in contact persons (asymptomatic carriers or exhibiting symptoms of the disease in a mild form).

Isolation is the process of separating a sick person from healthy people to prevent the spread of infection. This term is often used in medicine and security. However, it can also be used in everyday life.

Isolation is important to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. A sick person can spread viruses and bacteria to other people through touch, cough or cough