Israelis Allowed to Choose the Gender of their Child

Residents of Israel have the right to choose the gender of their unborn child, but only in cases where it is necessary for medical reasons or social circumstances. This decision was made by the Israeli Ministry of Health and will be monitored by a special commission of experts.

Parents will be able to choose the sex of their child only when using the in vitro fertilization (IVF) method and only if they already have four children of the same sex or if there is a family history related to the health of the unborn child.

The commission that will decide whether to allow the child to choose the gender includes a medical psychologist, an expert in medical ethics, a gynecologist, a lawyer, a social worker and a representative of the clergy. This approach will allow you to make informed decisions and take into account all possible factors associated with the choice of sex.

As noted, in different countries the attitude towards choosing the sex of a child is different. For example, in China, selective abortion, when parents get rid of a female fetus, is criminalized, and in Britain, embryo selection is allowed only if the child can become a tissue donor for his brothers and sisters.

Israel's decision represents a change in the country's previous position and represents another step in the development of medical technologies and opportunities for families facing health problems for their unborn children. However, as in any other case, it is necessary to consider all possible consequences and ensure that the right to choose one's gender does not lead to discrimination or other negative consequences.