Involutionary hysteria

Involutional hysteria is a difficult diagnostic disease to define. The syndrome occurs in people of any age after abortion, childbirth, and in the postpartum period. Patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen, diffuse pain in the sacrum and lower back, menstrual irregularities, painful menstruation, hyperpolymenorrhea, weakness, headaches, lack of appetite, mood swings, irritability, impatience, tearfulness, fear of obstetrics, and many others. . Among all the causes of mental disorders in pregnant women, the leading role is played by psychogenic shock reactions suffered in the first hours after the birth of a child. In the future, a hysterical state, hysteriform personality disorder, hysteroepilepsia, psychoneurosis, neurasthenia, hypochondria, psychasthenic syndrome, organic psychoses may develop. An increase in dementia is observed with involutional psychoses of adulthood. However, dementia should not be mistaken for senile insanity. Accurate diagnosis of these mental disorders can be carried out in special psychological departments of hospitals. Combined psychotherapy is recommended. It is advisable to use psychotherapeutic schools that practice rational and rational-emotional-behavioral therapy, methods of pathogenetic therapy of neuroses and psychogenic disorders (music, color and aromatization therapy). Psychostimulants, tranquilizers, nootropics (depending on clinical manifestations), B vitamins, and antidepressants are often used to stabilize the psycho-emotional state. The most important part of treatment is a psychoascetic diet (limiting the amount of carbohydrates and fats). Drug treatment is complemented by the inclusion of autogenic training (afferive-training influence). Affernotraining according to T.P. Sinitsina, Z. Ginzburg consists of mental and physical reproduction (sensation) of the impact on psychophysiological receptors through visual, auditory or vibrator stimuli. It is useful to enhance the impact of adequate negative and positive stimuli on central neurodynamic systems that activate the body's reserve mechanisms to restore central nervous system functions. Recently, acupuncture has become a powerful factor in recovery from mental trauma, stressful or crisis situations