Historiography Medical

Medical historiography is a branch of the history of medicine and general historiography that studies, on the basis of analysis and generalization of published general historical and historical-medical research, the history of the formation and development of the history of medicine itself, as well as its sections.

Medical historiography analyzes the accumulated knowledge in the field of the history of medicine, evaluates the contribution of individual researchers and scientific schools to the study of the past of medicine. It allows us to trace the evolution of views on various problems in the history of medicine, to identify controversial and little-studied issues.

Historiographic analysis is necessary for an objective understanding of the current state of historical and medical science and identification of promising areas of research. Medical historiography is closely related to the methodology of science and critically evaluates the methods used. It is an important element of self-knowledge of the history of medicine as a science.

Historiography of medical science is one of the important sections of the history of medicine. She studies the evolution of medical science from ancient times to the present day. The section allows you to understand what trends were dominant in a given period of time, what methods and means of treatment doctors used, what achievements were made in the field of medical research. Medical research plays an important role in improving the quality of life of the population, reducing morbidity, and improving the quality of services provided by the medical community. Today, the share of medical expenses is about 6% in the structure of the country's gross national product and is constantly growing along with the increase in the incidence of the population. The economic effect of improving public health exceeds the cost of medical care several times. Modern medical organizations, especially private ones, are forced to be more competitive and offer increased volumes of medical care. This service sector represents highly qualified specialists and high technologies on the international market. In this section, we can distinguish several stages, each of which is characterized by its own characteristics. Initially, medical research was the privilege of individual scientists. Over the course of many centuries, unique practical experience in healing was accumulated, which was partly passed on from generation to generation. Beginning in the 19th century, popular science publications appeared, and societies of doctors were organized, whose activities