Exhaustion Nervous

Exhaustion of the nervous system (synonym - psychoneurological exhaustion or nervous exhaustion) is mental, emotional and physical exhaustion caused by a prolonged stressful situation. This condition is associated with prolonged exposure to adverse factors.

As a result, a disruption of the activity of the entire body occurs, accompanied by muscle weakness, disturbances in sleep, appetite, memory and ability to work. Clinical signs in some cases may only be impaired concentration, fatigue or unmotivated irritability, outbursts of aggression. People in this condition often experience heart rhythm disturbances, breathing problems, and gastrointestinal problems. Allergic reactions are possible.

Research in recent years has shown that nervous system exhaustion is closely related to the amount of chemicals in the brain - such as serotonin and dopamine. However, the occurrence of a psychoneurological disorder can be provoked by both external circumstances and mental factors. This may be due to a malfunction of the immune system, as well as the presence of certain genetic disorders. Scientists identify several mechanisms for the development of this condition, depending on the specific pathology. Unfavorable factors, which a person is often unable to influence, also play a role when this problem occurs. This may include environmental pollution and consumption of harmful products. Mental disorders such as depression may also occur. The manifestations of this disease are difficult to ignore, but sometimes patients do not seek medical help on time, which should not be allowed. You should not assume that a nervous disorder will go away on its own over time. It is necessary to solve the problem immediately, even if it seems that nothing special is happening in your life. First of all, you need to contact a neurologist for diagnosis and treatment of the nervous system. When treating patients with this disease, the doctor and the patient must conduct a full comprehensive examination. Only after this the specialist prescribes the necessary treatment for the nervous system and, first of all, eliminating the cause. After treatment, patients are observed at their place of residence, because relapses occur repeatedly.