Hiccups Toxic

Toxic hiccups are hiccups that occur as a result of intoxication of the body.

The causes of toxic hiccups are varied. Most often it appears due to poisoning with alcohol, narcotic or toxic substances. Toxic hiccups can result from taking certain medications, as well as overdosing on vitamins and mineral supplements.

In addition, toxic hiccups are sometimes observed in severe infectious diseases accompanied by high fever. The cause may be a general toxic damage to the body.

Toxic hiccups are characterized by bouts of intense and prolonged hiccups that can last for hours or even days. Usually, such hiccups are difficult to stop with generally accepted folk remedies.

To get rid of toxic hiccups, it is first necessary to eliminate the cause that caused the intoxication of the body. In addition, doctors can prescribe special medications that block hiccup impulses in the nervous system. Severe cases may require hospitalization and intravenous medications.

Thus, toxic hiccups are a serious complication of intoxication of the body, requiring immediate elimination of the cause and, in some cases, drug treatment.

Toxigenic hiccups. In medicine, toxicogenic hiccups are distinguished - a variant that occurs as a result of toxins of food or bacterial poisoning, or alcohol intoxication. Ethyl alcohol poisoning causes spasms in the diaphragm of the diaphragm, provoking attacks of intense contraction-like contractions. This is not a harmless condition and refusal of treatment can lead to serious complications. In case of poisoning and infections leading to intoxication, the body actively reacts and fights.

Hiccups, as one of the most common symptoms, frighten patients and force them to turn to many specialists, without thinking that it can be caused by a variety of reasons, from problems of the nervous system to various physiological and psychological aspects.

The toxicogenic variant of attacks always occurs during food poisoning, industrial poisons, and alcohol intoxication.

Toxic hiccups are a pathological reflex act of a peculiar origin. Such a reflex is not an independent pathological condition and refers to acute or chronic intoxication of the body with the poison of any etiological agent, as well as to the independent appearance of diaphragm spasm. All information about the nature of this phenomenon can be reduced to more general concepts: “The influence of a toxic agent on the body” and “Changes in the function of the nervous system.” Based on an understanding of the nature of reflex acts as a psychophysiological reaction of irritated receptors to the action of an extreme stimulus on them, it became possible to formulate a view of toxic hiccups as a consequence of physiological changes in the body. The clinical picture and type of poison determine three options for the pathogenesis of toxic hiccups:

Nervous-reflex variant neurotoxic pulmonary edema clinical damage to the respiratory organs Clinical-alloxic variant of the phenomenon of neurotoxicosis toxic pneumonia the appearance of respiratory failure toxic pulmonary syndrome.

Toxic hiccups

Toxic version of hiccups.

The clinical picture of toxic (toxicogenic) hiccups depends on the type of poison and its concentration in the body. Hiccups are usually accompanied by vomiting and symptoms characteristic of acute poisoning. In the chronic course of the disease, episodes of