Bacteria Fusiform

Fusobacterium (lat. Fusobacterium) are bacteria belonging to the phylum Spirochaetes and the family Leptotrichiaceae. They are one of the most common types of bacteria in the human body. Bacteria are peculiar “short tubes” shaped like a pin

Fusobacteria are one of the classes of bacteria that live in the intestines of humans and animals. They can cause various diseases such as appendicitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and inflammatory bowel disease. In this article we will look at the biological features of the spindle bacterium and its role in the occurrence of diseases.

Biological characteristics The fusiform bacterium has a spherical shape and does not move, so it is characterized only by passive movement - it is passively transported through sewage, sewage and air. The size of the bacterium corresponds to tenths of a millimeter. The cell wall does not contain murein, resulting in the consistency of the cells resembling gelatin.

The structure of the cells allows this type of bacteria to be classified as a subsection of thermophiles. Among them, the method of metabolism deserves special attention: at thermal optimum, they move throughout the structure of the cell, which makes it possible to feel like a universal material. Another structural feature of the fusiform bacterium is associated with the presence of dipyruvate oxidase, which is a source of energy for multicellular organisms. Thanks to this, many animals receive food from ruminants and herd ungulates. Bacteria are always present in the intestines of a ruminant animal and ensure the formation of excrement. Fibrobacteria are a specific microflora of the microflora of mammals and other animals. In warm-blooded animals, spindle-shaped bacteria are mainly polymorphic; in humans, they are rod-shaped or coccoid. When the temperature rises to 37°C, the bacteria “loose”, accumulate organic acids and start the process of releasing protein toxins.

Fusobacterium (lat. Fusobacterium) is a genus of obligate anaerobic or microaerophilic gram-negative curved short rods. The bacteria belong to fusbranchs (formerly fusiform bacteria). Bacteria are widespread in soil, sea and fresh water. In the human body they can cause many inflammatory diseases, including inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, dental system, genital organs and digestive tract.