
Ixodes is a genus of ticks that belongs to the family Ixodes and the order Parasitiformes. These ticks are carriers of various diseases, such as tick-borne encephalitis, Q fever, tularemia, plague, listeriosis, trench fever and others.

Ixodes is one of the most common types of ticks in Russia. They can be found in a variety of regions, including forests, fields, meadows and city parks. Ixodes ticks are dangerous to human health, as they can carry various diseases, such as tick-borne encephalitis and others.

To prevent infection, it is necessary to take precautions when being in nature. For example, you should use insect repellent, wear long sleeves and pants, and avoid walking on grass and bushes. It is also necessary to regularly check yourself and your loved ones for ticks.

If you find a tick on yourself, there is no need to try to remove it yourself. It is better to consult a doctor or hospital, where specialists will carry out the necessary procedures to remove the tick and check for infections.

In general, Ixodes is a dangerous tick species, so precautions must be taken to avoid infection.

The genus of ticks Ixodes is a family of ixodidae (Ixsodidae), order parasitiforms. Found all over the world. Many species serve as carriers of pathogens of rickettsiosis (typhoid, Rocky Mountain fever, tsutsugamushi), borreliosis, babesiosis, borreliosis and other protozoal diseases. Also known as "ixodid ticks".

Ixodes scapularis has been identified as a new species of Ixodes previously discovered in North America. Until this point, the species was only thought to be in Asia and China, but with this new strain identified, it has been found in both hemispheres.

One species that is often found indoors and outdoors is Ixodes hircus. It usually lives on grass, ground and bushes close to habitation. However, I. scapularis is most common in areas where there are wooded areas and shrubs, as well as in grasslands.