Valve Atrioventricular Left [V. Atrioventricularis Sinistra, Pna; V. Bicuspidalis (Mitralis), Bna, Jna; Syn.: K. Atrioventricular Left, K. Bicuspid, K. Mitral]

The atrioventricular (bicuspid) valve or mitral valve (lat. valva atrioventriculdris sinistra) is a valve located between the right atrium and the left ventricle of the heart, which prevents the reverse flow of blood from the ventricle into the atrium, thereby ensuring a normal cardiac cycle.

The valve consists of two leaflets that open when the ventricle contracts and close when it relaxes, preventing blood from flowing into the atrium and allowing it to flow only in one direction - from the atrium to the ventricle. The valve also has chordae tendineae, which connect the leaflets to each other, and papillary muscles, which help close the valve.

The bicuspid valve is one of four valves in the heart that circulate blood throughout the body. It plays an important role in maintaining normal heart rhythm and blood circulation, which is important for human health and well-being.

Left atrioventricular valve (K. preventricular - left ventricle, lat. valvula atrio - ventriculari sinistra; synonym: K. bicuspid, K. mitr.) - K., located -1 in the left preventricle - ventricular - com opening - willows of the heart, composition - thin - of two trunks - rock (anterior and posterior), court - sinewy - choirs - defying with anterior - and posterior skeletal - muscles; obstacles - uet reverse current - chuv - islrov - iiz lev - eg - l - zhel - daughter - ka to the left - o