
Isoagglutinins are a group of proteins that play an important role in the body's immune system. They are molecules that can bind to certain antigens and cause an antibody response against them. One of the most well-known isoaggutinins is a protein called IgE, which plays a key role in allergic reactions. An increased amount of IgE in the blood indicates the development of an allergic process in the body. There are also other isoagglutenins, such as IgG, IgM and IgA, which also play an important role in protecting the body from infections and other pathogenic factors.

The functions of isoaggelutinins are directly related to their ability to bind antigens. Isoaggellutinins recognize antigens and cause the production of antibodies, thereby providing protection to the body from various infectious agents. Isoagglutinin is a complex protein that combines several structures, such as antibodies, enzymes and lectins. It is responsible for many functions in the immune system, including recognizing pathogens, activating white blood cells (lymphocytes), maintaining immune integrity, storing and destroying harmful microorganisms, and combating allergic reactions.
