Pain Projection

Projection pain is a type of pain that occurs due to damage or irritation of a peripheral nerve. It can occur both in healthy people and in patients with various neurological diseases.

The process of occurrence of projection pain includes two main stages. First, damage or irritation occurs to a peripheral nerve in the area of ​​the body where that nerve innervates a specific area of ​​skin or muscle. In this case, nerve impulses are transmitted to the spinal cord along a damaged or irritated nerve.

Secondly, the resulting nerve signals are interpreted by the brain as pain sensations. This process is called pain projection, that is, identifying the area of ​​the body that has been affected or irritated. As a result, a subjective sensation of pain is formed in the affected area of ​​the body.

Projection pain can occur with various neurological diseases, such as radiculitis, polyneuropathy, spinal compression fracture, spinal cord injury and others.

Projector pain is a very common occurrence in the practice of neurologists and surgeons. Usually the projection is determined by the clinic for a particular disease. But there may be doubts, and in order to eliminate them, sometimes they resort to test irritation of the nerve. For this purpose, needles or