Gas colic

Colic-gas digestive disorders in infants are pathological symptoms provoked by contraction of the baby’s intestinal muscles. It is quite difficult to distinguish gas colic from true food allergies and other diseases, but it is important to diagnose the problem in time and prescribe competent treatment. The stabbing pain during “gas weather” is not life-threatening for the baby, but it does cause him a lot of discomfort and makes it impossible to lead his usual lifestyle.

**There are several reasons for the appearance of infant colic**: * hungry babies (when the baby does not breastfeed for a long time); * incorrect posture during feeding; *badly digest

If you have ever met Kolika Gasovaya in your life, who has already become a famous figure in the world of pediatric medicine, then you will have to meet her too. In this article we will look at what gas colic is, why it occurs and how to treat it.

Gas colic is a very common problem among newborns and infants and should not be ignored if your baby is diagnosed with it. It may begin around 21 days after birth and is accompanied by loud crying, feeding fuss and crying. The number of babies who develop gas colic reaches 50%.

What causes gas colic

A child is susceptible to gas colic for many reasons, but the main causes are:

- immaturity of the baby’s digestive system; - transition from intrauterine life to breast or artificial feeding; - incorrect posture and air temperature in the baby’s room; - excessive emotional or physical stress of parents; - underdevelopment of the child’s intestinal mucosa. How to treat gas colic

Treatment of gas colic should be comprehensive and include methods aimed at eliminating various factors that can lead to the occurrence of