Jacobson-Laska reflex

Reflex "Jacobson" - "Weasel": concept

*Jacobsom-Laski reflex (RAL) (Yakobsonov-Lobkovo-Aksenovsky, Yakobsonov-Laskin-Ginetzinsky)* is an innate reflex of infants, which is characterized by the mother touching and/or addressing the child on the side of the body opposite to his anxiety (irregular heartbeat) , which leads to stopping cardiac arrhythmias.

During a study of early childhood reactions to stimuli, neurophysiologist **K. S. Mehrabyan** came to the conclusion that newborn babies do not always respond to external stimuli in the same way. He describes cases where, after a calm examination, the normal state changed dramatically. In one case, in response to the rotation of the body, the baby's head immediately appeared on the stomach; in another case, the baby seemed to be pressed onto the neck by the doctor's hand and began to breathe after being turned. It was obvious