Aristovsky Apparatus

The Aristovsky Apparatus is a device that was invented by Soviet microbiologist and immunologist Vladimir Mikhailovich Aristovsky in the 1930s. It was developed to study the mechanisms of immune response in animals and humans.

Aristovsky was one of the first scientists who began to study the human immune system. He had been researching immunology for more than 20 years before he developed his device. Aristovsky worked at the Institute of Microbiology of the USSR Academy of Sciences and was one of the founders of the Soviet school of immunology.

Aristovsky's apparatus was created to study the interaction between cells of the immune system and antigens. It consisted of two parts: a chamber for culturing cells and a chamber for analyzing cell interactions. The culture chamber contained the cells that needed to be examined, and the interaction assay chamber contained the antigens that needed to be tested for interaction with the cells.

One of the main advantages of Aristovsky's apparatus was that it made it possible to study the interaction between cells in real time. This was very important for understanding the mechanisms of the immune response and developing new treatments for immune diseases.

Although the Aristovsky apparatus has been used in scientific research for many years, its use in clinical practice has been limited. However, thanks to its unique design, the device could become the basis for the creation of new methods of treating various diseases associated with the immune system.

The Aristov apparatus is a device that is used in medicine to carry out a number of procedures. Created in 1940 by Soviet microbiologist Vladimir Mikhailovich Aristovsky. The device allows you to carry out various operations using low frequency currents (LFC).

Inhalation of TNP has a beneficial effect on body function. Accelerating blood circulation saturates tissues with oxygen and normalizes oxygen metabolism. Microvibrations send impulses to brain cells, which accelerate the activation of restorative functions. Metabolism is restored. By penetrating the blood, oxygen molecules receive an impulse to restore diseased cells. After a wellness session, your health improves, your mood improves, strength and energy appear. And all this without the use of drugs.

To get the expected effect from therapeutic micromovements, during the session you should take certain poses recommended by your doctor. Most often: lying down, sitting with legs wide open, standing. It is also important to learn to breathe correctly - synchronized with muscle contractions. Exhalation must be done simultaneously with muscle contraction, inhalation occurs at the same time (rest, stretched state of the muscle). This will prevent you from holding your breath, which increases the effect of the procedure. The Aristova machine is an electrodynamic vibrator of the “bridge” type, which creates a TEDS from the action of the TED. Operation of the device