Jenkins Schema

Jenkins schema is a method that is used to automate processes in various fields such as programming, testing, project management, etc. It is based on the use of Jenkins - open source software for automating software development and testing.

The Jenkins scheme consists of several stages:

  1. Planning: At this stage, the goals and objectives of the project, as well as the necessary resources, are determined.
  2. Development: This is where new software components are created and tested.
  3. Testing: At this stage, the functionality and quality of the software is checked.
  4. Build: This stage assembles all the software components into one package.
  5. Delivery: At this stage the software is transferred to the customer or user.

Using the Jenkins scheme allows you to automate the development and testing processes, which improves the quality of software and reduces the time for its creation. In addition, the Jenkins schema can be used for project management, which allows you to more efficiently allocate resources and monitor the progress of tasks.