Justification for Guilt

The Guilt Excuse: How to maintain a balance between work and family

In today's world, many of us face pressure at work and a constant lack of time for family and favorite things. What if you can't be with your child when he needs it? How to cope with the feeling of guilt that is so easily imposed on us in such situations?

One solution to this problem may be to create a special moment for your child that allows him to feel your presence even when you can't be there. One such method could be recording fairy tales on tape.

Imagine that you are recording several fairy tales on tape for your child. You leave the tape next to him when you leave for work. Throughout the day, your child can listen to these stories and feel your presence. When the last story ends, you can ask your child to come up with a different ending to the story, which you can listen to together when you get home.

This method can have several advantages. First of all, you don't need to waste time reading stories to your child when you're tired after work. Secondly, your child can feel your love and care throughout the day, even when you are not around. Third, you can spend time with your child when you get home, discussing stories with him and creating new stories together.

However, you may have doubts about this approach. You may feel guilty that you cannot be with your child during the day. But it is important to understand that you are not alone in your difficulties. Many parents are faced with this problem and are looking for solutions that will help them maintain a balance between work and family. It's important not to feel guilty about what you do and to look for ways that will help you and your family.

In conclusion, recording stories on tape can be a great way to maintain work-family balance and help your child feel your presence even when you can't be there. It is important not to feel guilty about what you do and to look for solutions that will help you and your family maintain balance and harmony in your life.