
Wrinkles: how to delay their appearance and reduce their number

Wrinkles are an inevitable process of skin aging that occurs in all people. However, there are many ways that can delay the appearance of wrinkles and reduce their number. In this article we will look at some useful tips that will help you maintain youthful and beautiful skin.

  1. Facial mobility

The more mobile the face, the sooner wrinkles appear on it. Therefore, if you want to keep your skin smooth and youthful, try to wrinkle and squint your eyes less. You should also avoid wiping your face with a towel from the eyes to the chin; it is better to do it in the opposite direction, from the chin to the eyes.

  1. Nutrition and fasting

Nutrition plays an important role in the appearance of wrinkles. To avoid premature skin aging, try to eat healthy and not starve yourself. Excessive weight loss diet can lead to dry skin and wrinkles.

  1. Face massage

Facial massage is an effective way to combat wrinkles. It helps improve blood circulation, moisturize the skin and reduce the number of wrinkles. But before you start a massage, you should contact an experienced specialist to avoid mistakes. Massage can be done using special oils, for example, a mixture of almond oil, rose water, spermaceti, alum and benzoin tincture.

  1. Skin care

To combat wrinkles, it is important to properly care for your skin. If you have dry skin, you can use masks and creams that moisturize and nourish the skin. If your skin is oily, then it is better to use products that regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. You should also pay attention to the composition of the cosmetic products you use and avoid those that contain components harmful to the skin.

  1. Dream

Sleep plays an important role in maintaining beautiful and healthy skin. To avoid wrinkles on the neck and double chin, try to sleep on a low pillow, and most importantly, keep your shoulders below the rib of the pillow, on the mattress.

  1. Hygiene

Proper facial hygiene also helps keep your skin young and smooth. To avoid the appearance of “paws” near the eyes, you need to wash your face with hot water and lightly tap the wrinkles.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that all of the recommendations listed must be selected and used based on the individual characteristics of your skin. You should not combine all the tips at the same time - choose what is most suitable for you and do it regularly. By following these simple recommendations, you can delay the appearance of wrinkles and keep your skin young and beautiful for many years.