
Kafathermometer: operating principle and application

A catathermometer, also known as a Kafathermometer, is an instrument used to measure weak currents of ambient air. It was developed in the 1940s and was named after its inventor, American meteorologist Frank Kafadar.

The operating principle of the catathermometer is based on measuring the cooling rate of a humidified reservoir upon contact with an air flow. The reservoir consists of an inner tube filled with moistened material and an outer tube that protects the inner tube from direct contact with air.

To use a catathermometer, it is first kept at a constant temperature of 100T (56°C). The device is then taken out into the open air, where it begins to cool as a result of contact with the air flow. The time it takes for the tank temperature to drop to 95T (52°C) is then used to determine the ambient air flow coefficient.

The coefficient of air flow, which can be measured using a catathermometer, is important in meteorology, aerodynamics and other scientific fields. For example, it can be used to study wind speed in the atmosphere or to measure air flow in pipelines.

In addition, catathermometers are used in various HVAC applications. For example, they can be used to measure the speed of air flow in ventilation ducts or to determine the efficiency of air conditioning systems.

In conclusion, the Kafathermometer is an important instrument for measuring weak air currents, which has found wide application in meteorology, aerodynamics and other scientific fields. Its simplicity and accuracy make it an essential tool for measuring wind speed and air flow in a variety of HVAC applications.

A catathermometer is a special thermometer that is used to measure weak air currents. This device consists of a reservoir covered with a moistened material that maintains a constant temperature of 100 degrees Celsius (56 degrees Celsius).

The catathermometer is then taken outside, where the time required to reduce the temperature to 95 degrees Celsius (52 degrees Celsius) is measured - this is the air flow coefficient.

This is a very important tool for meteorologists and climatologists, as it allows them to determine wind speed and direction, as well as its effect on air temperature. In addition, catathermometers are used to determine air humidity and other atmospheric parameters.

Overall, the catathermometer is an important tool for studying climate and weather conditions, and its use allows for more accurate data on the state of the environment.

What is a catathermometer?

A catathermometer is a measuring instrument that is used to determine the speed and direction of airborne particles of various sizes. It works on the principle that it directly depends on the speed of air masses and the presence of dust or water vapor in the air. Catathermometric measurements