Thickening of individual organs

This is possible thanks to means specific to a given organ, but not with the help of what they eat and drink, for nutrition is something common to the whole body, but by attracting nutrients to the organ, retaining them there and transferring them into the nature of the organ.

This is achieved, as you already know, by rubbing with rags, which cause redness due to their roughness, and irritating medicines, then applying stronger friction and pouring warm water, and then smearing with zift. Some people use earthly leeches, that is, red worms that have the power of zift. I already learned from the previous paragraphs how Zift is used.

This is also helped by directing the nutrient to an organ by blocking the path leading from it to another organ or from the place of distribution of the nutrient to another organ, and you already know all this too. To some organs, for example, to the lips, to the ears, to the nose, special actions with iron are applied; in another paragraph it was already said that when the lip and nose are not long enough, then you should pierce them in the middle, pull back the skin on both sides and cut the hardened meat in the middle then the organ will lengthen and the shortness will disappear.