How to do Spanish massage for face and body

Spanish massage is a special massage technique that is very popular in Russia and Europe. About thirty years ago, a Spanish scientist, Professor Enrique Garcia Castells developed a unique massage method. The main objective of this type of massage was the interweaving of the European approach to massage with human anatomy, its physiological characteristics, in particular Eastern practice, in which qi energy is of great importance.

This method has proven itself only from the best side and has been effective and universal for many years. Thanks to a special massage technique, you can get rid of swelling and congestion, completely relax the body, normalize cellular respiration, rejuvenating and tightening the skin of the body.

spanish massage

The Spanish massage technique will perfectly relax you and give you an unforgettable experience.

Features of Spanish massage

This technique is also called “chiromassage”, but still the name “Spanish massage” is used much more often.

According to the creator, in order to get a full healing effect, you need to simultaneously influence the nervous system, joints, muscles, as well as the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

For each patient, a different individual approach is selected: for one, the muscles should be thoroughly worked, for another, it should be worked through the lymphatic system.

The classic Spanish massage technique consists of many different techniques (there are about a hundred of them) - from the impact of the entire palm to the fingertips. During the massage, all muscles are very carefully worked out, stretched, and warmed up.

Another feature of this massage is that during the entire session the massage therapist does not repeat the same movement twice. Thanks to this, each new technique is felt with new emotions and feelings.

One of the main goals of massage is to maximize patient relaxation. There have been cases where people simply fell asleep during a session.

Spanish facial massage

Recently, the technique of Spanish facial massage has gained enormous popularity. And this is not at all surprising. Every woman wants to look fresh, young and beautiful. If done correctly, you will achieve the desired effect: the muscular frame of the face will be tightened, the elasticity of the skin will increase, the work of skin cells will be stimulated, it will look young and toned.

The massage includes a massage of the face, neck and décolleté. The movements are performed very softly, carefully and carefully, since the skin in this area is thin and sensitive. It can be performed on women of different age groups, because its range of effects helps to cope with a number of problems: the appearance of the first wrinkles, puffiness, swelling, dull complexion, lethargy, and so on.

To get the most effective result and maintain it for a longer time, you should undergo a massage course, which includes 2-3 procedures per week. After the first session you will notice an improvement.

Spanish body massage

Today, there are several varieties of this procedure. I would like to highlight three types:

  1. anti-cellulite
  2. myostructuring
  3. lymphatic drainage

The anti-cellulite massage technique is aimed at eliminating the first signs of cellulite, preventing it, reducing weight and correcting problem areas of the body. The procedure copes well with sagging skin and stretch marks.

Myostimulating massage is aimed at restoring and improving the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, as well as eliminating pain in the joints, muscles and spine.

Lymphatic drainage massage technique helps remove toxins, waste, stagnant fluid from the body, and relieves swelling.

I would like to note that any technique of this massage is primarily aimed at relaxing the whole body, providing a calming effect, normalizing the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, thereby increasing immunity.


  1. benign and malignant tumors
  2. diseases in the acute stage
  3. skin diseases
  4. bronchial asthma

Reviews of Spanish massage

Everyone who has undergone this procedure claims that it is truly different from all other types of massage. Throughout the entire procedure, the patient experiences completely different sensations, as if the massage therapist individually “squeezes” tension out of each muscle, giving incredible relaxation in return.

Throughout the entire session there is absolutely no painful sensation. Much to my surprise, even the next day there is no pain or aching in the muscles. After just two sessions you feel as if you spent a week at an expensive resort.

A little advice: you need to find a professional master who is not trying to make money from this by copying basic movements, but really knows a lot about this matter.