Urination drop by drop

Urination in drops occurs for reasons depending either on the urine, or on the urinary organs - the muscle or body of the bladder itself, or on the initial organs. The cause, depending on the urine, is either its severity or abundance. The sharpness of urine causes it to be emitted drop by drop due to the circumstances we mentioned in the article on difficulty urinating, that is, when the free flow of urine, due to its great sharpness, is painful, and its accumulation and heaviness are unbearable; then a state arises, intermediate between free outflow and retention of urine, that is, urination drop by drop. Or it happens due to the fact that the slightest accumulation of urine, being very irritating due to its pungency, requires removal; then the expelling force pushes out the urine, even without the participation of the will. The severity of urine is determined either by food, medicine, fatigue, copulation, etc., or by the nature of the primary organs, for example, the liver, its vessels and kidneys - simple nature or with matter, with pus or something else, or by the nature of the whole body, with an abundance there is an acute excess in it, which is expelled by nature. And an abundance of urine causes urination in drops due to the fact that it burdens the muscle and causes the ring to open slightly, even if the will does not call for this.

Causes particularly associated with the muscle and its initial parts are, for example, relaxation, either simple, or with dullness or complete loss of sensitivity, as happens with the rectum - or a tumor, or a relaxing disorder of nature, starting in the muscle itself or passing to her from her beginnings. Most often this happens from the cold, and therefore, when someone is freezing, urine often leaks out drop by drop. Such a nature and such weakness give rise to urination drop by drop due to two circumstances. One of them is that the holding force weakens and cannot hold the small amount of urine that ends up in the bladder until more accumulates; therefore, she releases urine, although there is no urge, secondly, this happens due to reasons that weaken the expelling force, which squeezes out urine only little by little; this is a type of urination drop by drop, associated with difficulty urinating. Sometimes such weakness occurs on its own, and sometimes in complicity with the overlying organs due to tumors, ulcers or suppurations in the kidneys and above them, in which the bladder participates, irritated by what flows into it; and sometimes the cause is ulcers or jarab in the bladder, and the bladder cannot hold urine due to pain.

Urination in drops also occurs when the bladder channel is blocked, either due to tumors in the bladder, in the uterus, in the intestines or in the spine, or from a stone or other blockage, if the blockage is incomplete, and nature can manage to remove urine little by little. This often occurs due to pain in the bladder due to ulcers, as we already said in the paragraph about difficulty urinating. Urinating drop by drop is sometimes accompanied by difficulty, and sometimes there is no difficulty. It happens that during drip urination, burning and pain are felt, but often they are absent. It seems that most dribble urination cases are due to causes of urinary incontinence, causes of difficulty urinating, or causes of burning urine.

Signs. As for tumors, blockages, causes depending on matter or pain, as well as other types and varieties of this disease, you already know their signs. You also know the signs of a hot nature, namely: the color of urine, the burning of a sore spot, and the previous causes and signs of a cold nature: the color of urine, the feeling of cold and the previous causes. Signs of complicity of other organs are also known, and we do not need to delay the discussion about this.

Treatment. You have also learned, separately and generally, how each variety of this disease is treated in itself, but most often it arises from cold and from paralysis, and is most often treated with warming and astringent remedies. Anyone who cannot endure urination can also be helped by drugs that stimulate lust. Useful drinking remedies for this include: teryak, mithridat, iyaraj Galena, anacardiya, atriful al-kabir, juvarishn prepared from incense, as well as atriful al-asghar, enhanced with anacardiya or shajazaniyya. Some strengthening and astringent agents are mixed with them, for example, myrtle berries, the inner skin of an acorn, and the like; Cress is also beneficial. Eating garlic is beneficial because it drives urine away and returns it to its proper state. Tested remedies include thyme seeds with saliva extract. Here is one of the medicines we tried: take roasted Kabul myrobalans - one part, red bahman - half a part, dry pulegian mint, myrtle berries, sandarac, myrrh, frankincense, syti and nutmeg - a third of each, cloves - half a part, dried elecampane and Magaleb cherry berries - two parts of both. All this is mixed with emblic myrobalan honey, preserved and drunk.

A potent medicinal porridge: take myrobalans, black and Kabul, and sukkah - each for five dirhams, myrrh and beaver stream - each for one and a half dirhams, amber and syti - each for two and a half dirhams, incense and Magaleb cherry - each for ten dirhams . All this is mixed with honey and taken constantly in the amount of one misqal. Also: take cumin, centaury and satara - in equal parts - two dirhams each - and take with hot water. Also: take myrtle berries, acorns, incense peels and Kerman cumin - one part of each. They drink three dirhams at a time with old wine. Also: they take fried Kabul, Belleric and emblic myrobalans - each for seven dirhams, incense peels - five dirhams, myrtle berries - ten dirhams; This composition, whenever it dries, is moistened with water in which hot iron has been extinguished many times, and then mixed with thickly brewed myrtle juice.

Another medicinal porridge: take myrtle berries - one part, frankincense - a quarter of a part, khairun dates - two parts; All this is turned into porridge and taken six mithqals at a time. Or they take myrtle leaves, henna leaves, myrrh, frankincense, pomegranate flowers and acorns in equal parts and take them in the required quantity with wine. Here is another healthy porridge, suitable for those who wet the bed. They take ten dirhams of Kabul, emblic and Belleric myrobalans and also acorns, soaked in vinegar for one day, and then roasted, sandarak, syti, male incense, elecampane, dry maya and corals - each for five dirhams, and myrrh - three dirhams, and mix it all with honey.

Another strong medicine: take beaver stream, bitter bush, thyme, the inner skin of an acorn, saliva extract - in equal parts, mix it with the juice of fresh myrtle and take one dirham before bed. Or they drink incense and henna oil for one dirham. Easy remedies include taking cardamom seeds, which are drunk one mithqal. Acorn flour also helps, especially if the acorns were soaked for one day in sea onion vinegar and then fried in a frying pan. Ten dirhams drink it at a time. Also useful are figs soaked in olive oil, or sativa and incense, taken in equal parts, taken in the form of powder with vinegar in the morning on an empty stomach in the amount of one mithqal. Nigella and rue seeds in equal parts also help: drink up to one dirham at a time. Elecampane is an excellent medicine for such patients, as is castor oil in the form of drinking or rubbing. It is useful for this disease to constantly consume honey.

Here is a useful medicine for old people: take beaver stream, opium, henbane seeds and rue seeds and drink this misqal with one uqiya of boiled grape must. If you introduce mumiyo diluted in jasmine oil into the anus, or drip it into the urinary canal, the patient will be able to retain urine; Eating figs with olive oil also works.