How to deal with wrinkles above the upper lip

Looking at their reflection in the mirror, many note that with age, the skin loses its elasticity, wrinkles appear, which become more pronounced over the years. Vertical ones are especially worrying. wrinkles above the upper lip (purse string): their appearance adds age, makes the facial expression dissatisfied, offended.

To delay the occurrence of this unpleasant “decoration” or minimize its manifestation, try to carefully care for the delicate skin around the lips. Both procedures performed in a beauty salon and care at home can help with this.

Causes of purse string wrinkles

Unfortunately, aging cannot be stopped irrevocably. But this process can be significantly slowed down if you know exactly causes, promoting the formation of purse-string wrinkles. Cosmetologists believe that the appearance of vertical folds around the mouth can be caused by the following factors:

  1. natural age-related changes in skin condition;
  2. genetic predispositions and characteristics of the skin (dry skin);
  3. features of facial expressions (the habit of stretching your lips can affect the early appearance of wrinkles);
  4. weight loss, especially sudden, caused by diet or illness;
  5. hormonal changes;
  6. adverse effects of natural factors (hypothermia, chapping of the face, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight);
  7. condition of the teeth, especially the loss of the central ones, in which the lips “collapse”;
  8. incorrect position of the head during sleep (it is recommended to sleep face up);
  9. lack of vitamins in food;
  10. chronic fatigue, lack of sleep;
  11. state of stress;
  12. smoking;
  13. chewing gum, especially if you have a habit of chewing constantly;
  14. low-quality cosmetics and care products.

To slow down the process of the occurrence of purse-string wrinkles around the mouth, you should, if possible, avoid undesirable factors, and at the first manifestations, pay attention to careful care of the problem area.

Recommendations from experts on getting rid of purse-string wrinkles

Don't forget to use cleansers and masks on the area above your upper lip (caution: not all cosmetics are safe for the intestines).

Watch your facial expressions: excessive muscle activity can negatively affect the condition of the skin; do not try to constantly walk with your lips stretched out into a tube.

If you have to go outside, try to protect your skin: apply protective lipstick to your lips. Make sure your lips don't become chapped or dry out: protect yourself with a wide-brimmed hat or scarf. The skin around the mouth is, by its nature, very delicate, so it quickly reacts to the negative influences of the environment.

Stop smoking!

If purse string Wrinkles are still becoming more noticeable, do not put off visiting a cosmetologist. Modern technologies and high-quality drugs will allow you to stop the process or reduce its manifestation.

The possibilities of modern technologies in the fight against purse-string wrinkles

In recent decades, modern cosmetology has been ready to offer a fairly large number of means to combat purse-string wrinkles.

A variety of injections with cosmetic products are especially popular:

  1. Botox injections: prescribed if the appearance of wrinkles above the upper lip is associated with muscle spasms (for example, a reaction to facial expressions);
  2. mesotherapy with preparations containing hyaluronic acid and a complex of vitamins;
  3. biorevitalization, which promotes deep hydration of the skin, stimulating the production of its own elastin;
  4. bioreinforcement – ​​injections help strengthen the muscle frame;
  5. contour plastic helps fill wrinkles with hyaluronic acid-based compounds;
  6. lipofilling – injections based on transplantation of one’s own fat tissue.

The effect of these procedures can last from several months to several years, depending on the condition of the skin and the degree of manifestation of the problem.

The cosmetologist will advise on options for getting rid of purse-string wrinkles using hardware cosmetology. There are effective procedures:

  1. thermolifting – exposure of skin layers to various radiations stimulating its own collagen;
  2. fractional photothermolysis, which allows, under the influence of a laser, to destroy old collagen and stimulate the production of new one;
  3. microcurrent therapy promotes skin regeneration;
  4. VOC therapy affects the cellular level with radio and light energy, smoothes the skin;
  5. various peelings (chemical, laser, dermabrasion).

In some cases, the cosmetologist suggests seeking help from a plastic surgeon.

Massage to restore the skin above the upper lip

At the first manifestations of purse-string wrinkles, it is recommended to begin the fight against them with the help of massage. It is advisable that this procedure be performed by a specialist, but it is possible to do massage at home, since the technique is quite simple, it is important to consistently perform the following steps:

  1. use your fingertips to lightly influence the area of ​​the skin around your lips, lightly tapping, but not pressing;
  2. perform circular movements with slight pressure on the skin;
  3. Using a brush with soft bristles, gently brush over the skin above the upper lip;
  4. Gently stroke the skin, relaxing it.

Each step is completed for one minute. It is advisable to make a moisturizing mask after the procedure and lie down. The effect of the massage can be noticed after a week.

During the massage, you should not stretch the skin, press or rub, as you can get the opposite result.

Gymnastics to help smooth out purse-string wrinkles

To consolidate the results of the massage, you can do special gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the circumlabial area. It would be better if a specialist teaches you the exercises, otherwise excessive facial expressions can be harmful.

I suggest cosmetologists perform the following exercises:

  1. close your lips in a thin line and hold in tension for a minute;
  2. stretch your lips a little in a smile and tap them with your fingertips;
  3. puff out your cheeks, release air through your mouth in small portions, holding the corners of your lips with your fingertips;
  4. puff out your cheeks, try to roll the air from side to side;
  5. alternately place the upper lip behind the lower lip and vice versa;
  6. We try to pronounce vowel sounds with our mouth tightly closed.

Gymnastics to eliminate wrinkles above the upper lip will not take much time, but if done correctly it will give excellent results.

Getting rid of purse-string wrinkles with folk remedies

The busy pace of life does not always allow you to turn to professionals and perform the necessary procedures. In addition, some sessions require recovery, and this is not always possible. But under no circumstances should the problem be ignored. There are quite simple procedures that can help at home. remove purse-string wrinkles.

Honey based masks

Honey is a unique natural remedy that is part of many expensive masks. But it’s quite possible to make masks with honey yourself to eliminate purse-string wrinkles. It's better if it's flower honey.

There are several simple recipes:

  1. thoroughly mix a little honey and sour cream or cream, apply the mask for 10 minutes on the problem area;
  2. A mask of honey and egg white will work well;
  3. A mask of honey and olive oil will have a softening and moisturizing effect;
  4. You can add a few drops of aloe juice to honey.

It is better to do the procedure before going to bed at night. It is recommended to remove the remnants of the mask with a damp cloth; do not rinse thoroughly. After the mask, you can use your regular night cream.

Cucumber masks for purse-string wrinkles

A proven remedy in the fight against purse-string wrinkles are masks with the addition of cucumber. They moisturize the skin well and slow down the aging process. For the procedures, it is better to take vegetables grown without chemicals and bought at markets.

You can simply cut the cucumber into slices and place it on the skin above your upper lip. Make a paste by grating the cucumber on a fine grater. You can add the following ingredients to the cucumber: aloe juice, honey, sour cream or cream, kefir, lemon juice (a few drops).

Masks made from natural products against purse-string wrinkles

After cleansing the skin, to eliminate purse-string wrinkles, you can apply a paste of the following products: strawberries, avocado, grapes, green apple.

It’s easy to prepare: just crush it or grate it on a fine grater. Place the resulting mixture in “tendrils” over the upper lip and hold for about 10 minutes. Remove residues with a damp cloth.

If the skin above the lip is dry, it is recommended to add a little full-fat sour cream or cream to natural products. Such masks will soften the skin, moisturize it and fill it with vitamins.

It is not recommended to wipe the skin with tonics, especially alcohol-containing ones, after masks.

Choosing the right diet

Nutrition is an important component not only of well-being, but also of appearance. Try to diversify your menu with products with sufficient vitamin content. Cosmetologists recommend that you include in your diet foods containing vitamin C (citrus fruits, white cabbage, especially sauerkraut).

Don't go on diets unless absolutely necessary. Weight loss does not always have a good effect on your appearance. Sometimes this provokes the appearance of purse-string wrinkles.

You should not completely abandon natural fats.

Preventing the appearance of wrinkles above the upper lip

Cosmetologists, like all other doctors, unanimously claim that it is easier to prevent any problem than to treat it. Therefore, in order to avoid the premature appearance of wrinkles above the upper lip, it is necessary to pay attention to this area when caring for your facial skin when you are young.

The skin above the upper lip is quite thin, there is not much fat in it, so it is especially susceptible to various types of influences. Try to protect this area as much as possible from exposure to wind, cold, and sunlight.

It is better to consult a specialist about how to care for the skin above the upper lip. At the cosmetologist's you will be able to ask which products are suitable for your skin type, with what frequency and how exactly to apply the products to this area.

If your doctor recommends treatment, take the advice. The possibilities of modern cosmetology will allow you to preserve the youth of your skin for a long time, and therefore an attractive appearance.

Vertical creases above the lip always betray the age of mature ladies and are quite capable of ruining the face of even a girl. So what is the reason for the appearance of such wrinkles and is it possible to remove wrinkles above the upper lip? Let's try to figure it out.

Wrinkles above the upper lip: who is at risk?

The hated “rays” above the upper lip have their own name - purse-string wrinkles on the face. It appeared due to the analogy with the bag of the same name, which was tightened with a cord, forming many small folds. Such wrinkles form after 30–35 years as a result of natural tissue aging. The area around the lips is very vulnerable - the skin here is thin, and the sebaceous glands and subcutaneous tissue are practically absent. Over time, the tissues in this area lose elasticity and firmness, which leads to the formation of vertical folds. Cosmetologists also associate this fact with anatomical features: since the orbicularis oris muscle is not attached to the bone, but is tightly fused with the dermis, additional stress is placed on the skin. When we eat, drink, socialize, smile or feel sad, the skin around our lips stretches. At a young age, this stretching is compensated by spasm of the orbicularis muscle fibers and the high content of hyaluronic acid in the tissues, but over time the skin loses its ability to recover.

Purse-string wrinkles can also appear in young people. The early appearance of longitudinal folds above the upper lip is promoted by:

  1. genetic predisposition;
  2. active facial expressions, habit of grimacing;
  3. work associated with constant tension of the orbicularis oris muscle: teaching, playing wind instruments, etc.;
  4. smoking;
  5. poor environment, polluted air;
  6. unbalanced diet, lack of proteins, fiber and vitamins;
  7. love of sun tanning and solarium;
  8. hormonal imbalance;
  9. dental problems: malocclusion, missing teeth, etc.;
  10. lack of sleep, stress;
  11. improper skin care, use of low-quality cosmetics.

How bad habits affect your appearance

If you are under 30, but wrinkles above your upper lip are already bothering you, this is a reason to think about your lifestyle. Neither luxury cosmetics nor expensive salon treatments will save your skin from fading if you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and don’t watch your diet.


Everyone has probably heard that tobacco smoke has a negative effect on appearance. Toxic substances produced during the combustion of tobacco cause dryness and irritation on the surface of the skin, but the main blow is delivered from the inside. During smoking, the synthesis of collagen, the most important protein that ensures the strength and elasticity of the dermis, is disrupted. The skin becomes flabby and loses its fresh appearance. And the habit of constantly folding your lips into a “tube” leads to the formation of unsightly vertical creases above the upper lip, which are very difficult to get rid of. For the same reason, hookahs and electronic cigarettes are also harmful.

Chewing gum

The habit of constantly chewing gum and blowing bubbles leads to excessive tension in the orbicularis oris muscle. If it is difficult to give up your favorite Orbit, reduce the chewing time to 10–15 minutes. And don’t forget to do facial exercises and massage to relax your muscles.

Solarium abuse

The saying “everything is good in moderation” is more relevant here than ever. Ultraviolet radiation helps the body produce vitamin D and improves the synthesis of endorphin, the pleasure hormone. In order to compensate for the vitamin deficiency, it is enough to spend 5 minutes a week in the sun. Frequent trips to the solarium provoke premature aging of the skin and increase the risk of wrinkles.

Improper skin care

The delicate skin of the face, and especially the area around the mouth, requires careful treatment. The use of cheap, low-quality cosmetics or products that are unsuitable for your skin type, irregular care and simple laziness can contribute to the appearance of unwanted wrinkles above the lip.

Unbalanced diet

A healthy diet is rich in healthy fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements. B vitamins are especially important for the skin2, A, E. The habit of eating “whatever”, snacking on fast food and sweets leads to the fact that the skin loses its ability to recover and begins to age rapidly.

There is a widespread belief that frequent consumption of strong coffee contributes to the appearance of wrinkles. However, this opinion can be called controversial - scientists have found that coffee beans contain powerful antioxidants that are 500 times stronger than vitamin C. A cup of coffee neutralizes oxidizing agents more effectively than green tea! So rejoice, coffee lovers, and feel free to enjoy this invigorating drink.

Table: top most harmful and most beneficial products for the skin

Prohibited Product Harm What to replace Benefit
Strong tea, coffee, alcohol Dehydrates the skin and causes dryness Juices from fresh vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, celery, pumpkin) Contains a huge amount of useful vitamins and microelements
Refined sugar Damages collagen and elastin fibers, which are responsible for maintaining youthful skin Fresh fruits, honey Neutralizes free radicals and protects collagen from destruction
Fatty meat fried in oil (pork, lamb) Activates the action of the sebaceous glands, and excess meat increases the concentration of toxic substances in the blood Steamed lean meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit) Provides the body with protein and essential microelements
Trans fats (found in fast food, processed foods, fried foods) Strengthen the effect of ultraviolet radiation, which causes photoaging of the skin Unsaturated fats (found in fish, nuts and vegetable oils) Keeps skin smooth and protects it from dehydration
Dairy products from the store Store-bought dairy products may cause hormonal imbalance Natural fermented milk products Improve intestinal microflora, increase immunity and inhibit the aging process

How to remove wrinkles above the upper lip

It is impossible to completely get rid of wrinkles, but it is quite possible to slow down the aging process and make existing imperfections less noticeable. Modern cosmetology offers many anti-aging techniques for any budget.

Cosmetic procedures

Creases above the upper lip are most often eliminated with injections. This simple and quick procedure can completely erase purse-string wrinkles from the face, however, to maintain the effect, the course of injections must be repeated every 6-12 months. The standard course includes 3-4 procedures with an interval of 10-14 days. An intensive course includes 4–6 injections every 1–2 weeks.

Injections into the skin above the upper lip will help get rid of purse-string wrinkles for a long time

  1. Fillers are drugs that fill wrinkles and restore elasticity and density to the skin. The cost of the procedure varies depending on the type of drug used and its quantity. In Moscow, prices for one syringe of filler start at 9 thousand rubles.
  2. Botox is a natural toxin that relieves muscle spasms, immobilizes the skin and thereby smooths out wrinkles. The price of one injection is about 5 thousand rubles.

I would like to share with everyone my experience regarding Botox around the lips. I've been having wrinkles around my mouth for a long time now. And a friend recommended me one good clinic in our city. She said that there was an excellent specialist there who helped her neighbor fix the same problem. I made an appointment with him, although I was very afraid of it (I can’t stand pain). And I have to admit that I was satisfied with everything. The procedure was almost painless; before the procedure, the doctor treated the areas into which injections were then made - just a few injections. Everything lasted about half an hour. After the procedure, the lips became smoother and softer, and wrinkles began to gradually disappear after 4 days. And two weeks later they disappeared completely. So know that Botox is a great thing. I recommend it to everyone!


  1. Lipofilling is contour plastic surgery using the patient’s fat material. The procedure has a double effect: fat for injection is pumped out from the patient’s problem areas, due to which the body becomes slimmer. The approximate cost of one lipofilling procedure is 15–20 thousand rubles.
  2. Plasmolifting is the introduction of the patient’s own plasma. The technique is completely safe and does not cause allergic reactions. The price of one injection starts from 2.5 thousand rubles.
  3. Mesotherapy is injections of specially selected medicinal preparations or rejuvenating “cocktails” based on them. The procedure not only rejuvenates and tightens the face, but also improves metabolism, relieves stress and normalizes the emotional background. The cost of the procedure starts from 2 thousand rubles and depends on what drugs the doctor decides to administer.
  4. Bio-reinforcement with threads - hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin according to the mesh principle, resulting in the formation of a powerful supporting frame. Biothreads stimulate the natural production of collagen and elastin. When the threads dissolve, formed fibers remain in their place, which keep the skin elastic and prevent it from sagging. Prices for bioreinforcement start from 10 thousand rubles.

Cosmetologists believe that the best rejuvenation effect is achieved with a combination of invasions and hardware procedures. However, hardware cosmetology shows good results on its own.

Hardware methods for correcting purse-string wrinkles:

  1. Thermolifting is a group of hardware procedures, the essence of which is to warm up the deep layers of the dermis. As a result, skin renewal occurs at the cellular level. Depending on the condition of the skin and the type of thermolifting, the rejuvenation course may include from 3 to 15 sessions. The interval between procedures is 7–10 days. The average price for light thermolifting in Moscow is 10 thousand rubles per session. The most expensive is laser thermolifting: one session will cost 28 thousand rubles.
  2. Microcurrent therapy (MTT) – low-power pulsed current has a gentle and delicate effect on the skin. The procedure painlessly restores damaged and aged cells, giving muscles tone and normalizing metabolic processes. MTT not only smooths out wrinkles, but also fights swelling, acne, hyperpigmentation and other skin problems. To obtain a long-lasting and lasting effect, it is recommended to complete a course of 8–12 procedures with a break of 2–3 days. To maintain the result, one session every 4 weeks is enough. In Moscow, the price for microcurrents starts from 450 rubles per session.
  3. Fractional photothermolysis is a method based on laser radiation. The beam is divided into hundreds of small rays (fractions), which evenly affect the skin, penetrating into its deep layers. The laser can remove wrinkles, scars, post-acne, and cope with age spots and stretch marks. A standard rejuvenation course includes 3-4 sessions with a break of 4-5 weeks. The price of one laser facial correction procedure in Moscow is 25 thousand rubles.

I have always been wary of laser peeling. I've read so many horrors on the internet that mom don't worry. Correcting purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip is not an easy task. But the first wrinkles, shallow but noticeable, literally kept me awake at night, I so wanted my face to become smooth again. I consulted with a friend, she is a decisive lady, and agreed to be the first to undergo the laser peeling procedure (Fraxel). She had severe wrinkles on her neck and was a couple of years older than me. Plus, she also has early pigmentation - in short, the whole “set”. Everything went great for her, her skin was a little “burnt”, but only for a couple of days, and if you lubricate it with special creams, the painful sensations quickly go away. I went to the same doctor and now I’m leaving, already on the third day, after the operation - the first day my face “burned” strongly, on the second it was already easier, on the third I felt almost no pain. The result is already visible - wrinkles around the eyes, lips and nose have become smaller. The circles under the eyes have decreased and are not as dark. Overall, I'm satisfied. I'll sign up again in a month or two.


In addition, the salon can offer you a lifting or sculpting massage. This technique is suitable for those who are afraid of injections and are not yet ready for hardware procedures. Modern techniques of sculptural massage include techniques of classical, Japanese, Tibetan massage, shiatsu, as well as osteopathy and acupressure techniques. The technique improves blood microcirculation, relieves swelling and smoothes out wrinkles - as a result, after the first session, the face looks toned and healthy. The traditional course is 8–10 procedures with an interval of 3 days. The cost of a lifting massage in Moscow starts from 1.5 thousand rubles/hour.

Sculptural facial massage can be an alternative for those who do not want to resort to injections and hardware procedures

A surgical facelift is considered the most radical way to get rid of wrinkles. It is not advisable to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon if you are only worried about purse-string wrinkles. Indications for surgery include complex age-related problems and general skin aging.

Folk remedies also remain relevant. These methods are available to everyone, do not require large financial expenditures and are much safer than salon procedures.

Folk remedies: ways to effectively get rid of wrinkles above the upper lip at home

Oils will help in the fight against longitudinal wrinkles above the upper lip. The following are considered the most effective:

  1. Olive - nourishes and moisturizes the skin, eliminates fine wrinkles.
  2. Flaxseed oil - makes the skin smooth and fresh, acts as an antioxidant.
  3. Camphor - eliminates deep wrinkles, tightens scars. Use camphor oil with caution: in large quantities it can cause skin burns.
  1. Wheat germ oil - nourishes the skin with vitamin E, which is necessary to maintain the youth of the epidermis.

Oils can be added to creams and masks or used in their pure form instead of moisturizer. To remove purse-string wrinkles, you need to apply heated oil to the problem area every day, removing the excess with a napkin. This method is best suited for those with dry skin. For oily and combination skin, homemade masks with added oils will be useful.

Oil mask recipe for mature skin

  1. 30 g live yeast;
  2. 50 ml cream;
  3. 50 g honey;
  4. 30 ml sunflower oil;
  5. 5 drops lemon essential oil.
  1. Heat the cream and dissolve the yeast in it.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients, whisk well and apply the resulting mixture to the face, neck and décolleté.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes, and then rinse off the yeast mask with warm water.
  4. To enhance the effect after the procedure, it is advisable to perform a contrast rinse, alternating hot and cold water.

It is recommended to make this mask 1-2 times a week. You will soon notice that your skin has become moisturized and soft, fine wrinkles have smoothed out, and your complexion has become even.

Another folk remedy for purse-string wrinkles is ice. It is best to prepare ice in the evening, then in the morning you will have an excellent cosmetic cleanser ready. Pour clean water into ice cube trays or any other suitable container and place in the freezer overnight. In the morning, you can wipe your face with ice, paying special attention to the problem area. For better effect, you can use herbal decoctions instead of water. Cold tones the skin and improves metabolism due to blood flow - you will immediately notice how fresher and prettier your face is after washing your face like this!

Ice cubes from herbal decoction can be prepared in the evening to be used in the morning as a refresher.

Cosmetical tools

Hyaluronic acid-based products can help with wrinkles above the upper lip. It perfectly moisturizes the skin and slows down cell aging. The effect of a good cream can be noticed immediately after application - the face looks fresh, rested and nourished. The acid acts not only from the outside, but also from the inside, stimulating the production of collagen, so regeneration occurs naturally.

Collagen wrinkle fillers are another product for youthful skin that is available to every woman. This product does not penetrate deep into the skin, but acts superficially. It is applied to the contour of the lips, as a result of which the volume of the lips increases and wrinkles in the problem area are straightened.

With regret, I began to notice that with age, thin vertical wrinkles began to appear along the contour of the mouth. It became impossible to use moisturizing lipstick at all, as the lipstick began to spread in rays beyond the contour of the lips. When I ordered myself on the Dr. website. Pierre Ricaud Corrector - wrinkle filler for lip contour Hyalurides Expert, I didn’t have any special illusions, it’s difficult to fight wrinkles. But the effect was noticeable immediately; after applying the product, you need to gently rub it along the contour of the lips, without touching the surface of the lips themselves. Hyalurides Expert Corrector - wrinkle filler for lip contour fulfills its promises, the skin is evened out, the rays become less pronounced, and the lipstick does not spread beyond its limits. The product is very economical, since literally two drops are enough for one makeup. The smell of Hyalurides Expert Corrector - wrinkle filler for lip contour is very pleasant, and not strong, the consistency is like serum, a little runny, pleasant to apply to the skin, did not cause irritation. In general, the product is not bad.


Today, the choice of anti-wrinkle creams in stores is huge, and it is quite easy to get lost in this variety. Here is a list of components that must be present in a quality product:

  1. Antioxidants - prevent the destructive effects of oxidation processes.
  2. Retinoids are analogues of vitamin A. They increase collagen synthesis, the thickness of the epidermal coating, promote the formation of new blood vessels, and improve the blood supply to tissues. Minimizes the impact of solar radiation on the dermis.
  3. Vitamin E is an excellent moisturizer and helps retain moisture in the upper layers of the dermis.
  4. Peptides are proteins needed as building materials for cells.

Gymnastics and massage

The easiest and most affordable way to get rid of wrinkles above the upper lip is a special massage. This procedure needs to be done regularly, preferably every day. The massage begins with a warm-up: the skin around the lips should be gently massaged with your fingertips. No need to rub your skin too much! After warming up, you need to apply moisturizer to the problem area and gently massage with your hands or a toothbrush. To achieve the desired effect, 5 minutes a day is enough.

Useful exercises for the prevention of purse-string wrinkles:

  1. Take a deep breath, puff out your cheeks and hold them in this position for 20-30 seconds. Exhale sharply.
  2. Take more air into your mouth and “roll” it from one cheek to the other.
  3. Take turns pronouncing the vowels “A”, “U”, “I”. Do the exercise slowly to feel the tension in your muscles.
  4. Try to touch your upper lip to your nose.
  5. Smile at the corners of your mouth so that you feel the tension in the skin above your upper lip.

The effect of these exercises will be if you do them regularly: at least 10 approaches in the morning and evening.

Video: massage with a toothbrush to get rid of wrinkles above the upper lip

Preventing the appearance of creases on the upper lip is easier than dealing with the consequences. Give up bad habits, introduce fresh vegetables and fruits into your diet, don’t forget about quality care, and your skin will definitely thank you!

With age, a person's face begins to lose smoothness and elasticity, gradually becoming covered with wrinkles. One of the types of wrinkles is the folds that form above the upper lip. They are called purse-string wrinkles.

Many women are bothered by these folds because they noticeably age the face. Let's see if it is possible to get rid of wrinkles above the upper lip or at least delay their appearance.

Causes of purse string wrinkles

There are several reasons that provoke the formation of folds above the lip. Let's look at them.

  1. Age. With age, facial skin ages and becomes sagging. In women, this process is especially active during menopause. The first wrinkles around the lips can be noticed after 40 years.
  2. Anatomical structure. The so-called orbicularis muscle is responsible for the movement of the lips. But it is not attached to the bones of the skull, like other muscles, but to the skin of the face. Therefore, when a muscle is stretched, the skin in this area also stretches. And constant stretching of the skin, as is known, leads to the rapid formation of wrinkles. In addition, other muscles are connected to the orbicularis muscle, so any facial movement leads to its tension.
  3. Skin Features. The skin around the lips is naturally drier than other areas of the face. There are much fewer sebaceous glands located here. Therefore, the epidermis in this area is more susceptible to wrinkling.
  4. Poor quality care. If a woman does not pay enough attention to her lips and the skin around them, very soon she will notice the first wrinkles appearing in this area.
  5. Eating habits. People who often drink drinks through a cocktail straw or chew gum develop purse string wrinkles earlier than others.
  6. Mimic habits. Some people like to hold a match or a toothpick in their mouth, or they stretch their lips with a straw. All this provokes the appearance of vertical wrinkles.
  7. Smoking. It is in women who smoke that wrinkles above the upper lip are more pronounced and noticeable. In the process of smoking, a person squeezes a cigarette with his lips, tensing the corresponding muscles. In addition, tobacco smoke, constantly coming into contact with the skin above the upper lip, has a negative effect on it.
  8. Professional factor. Representatives of some professions are more susceptible to the early appearance of purse-string wrinkles than other people. Those at risk include: singers, actors, musicians playing wind instruments, teachers, glassblowers. Even people who often like to whistle various tunes are at risk of this.
  9. Additional factors. There are many more factors that provoke the formation of folds above the upper lip. These may include: sudden weight loss, loss of front teeth, diseases of the digestive system or thyroid gland, skin diseases, frequent sunbathing or visiting a solarium, incorrect head position during sleep, alcohol abuse.

Is it possible to get rid of purse-string wrinkles?

Of course, women who take care of themselves cannot help but worry about the question: is it possible to remove wrinkles above the upper lip or at least make them less noticeable?

Yes, there are many methods to combat folds around the lips and prevent their appearance. Rabbit wrinkles, as they are also called, can be removed by a cosmetologist using specialized techniques and cosmetic preparations.

For those who do not want or do not have the opportunity to undergo salon procedures for correction, there are many home ways to combat purse-string wrinkles. Below we will analyze each of them in detail. In the meantime, let's look at the methods offered by beauty salons.

Salon procedures to combat purse-string wrinkles

  1. Hardware methods. Hardware procedures include: laser skin resurfacing, chemical peeling, iontophoresis, ELOS.
  2. Lifting massage. This is a special facial massage, after which the facial muscles relax.
  3. Thermage. This is a special procedure that involves moisturizing the epidermis under the influence of high temperature. The result is the activation of natural collagen production.
  4. Mesotherapy. Using injections, vitamins are injected under the skin, which promote rejuvenation and slow down the formation of wrinkles.
  5. Biorevitalization. For this procedure, hyaluronic acid is used, a substance that maintains youthful and elastic skin.
  6. Botox. Botulinum toxin is injected under the skin, a substance that blocks muscle movement. As a result, the orbicularis muscle moves less and, accordingly, the skin around the lips stretches less.

Home remedies to combat purse-string wrinkles

There are many folk remedies that can reduce wrinkles in the lip area and prevent their appearance. Effective control requires an integrated approach to the problem. Let's look at all the available methods that you can use at home yourself.

Anti-wrinkle exercises

The orbicularis muscle, like any other muscle, needs training. There is a simple set of exercises that need to be performed regularly if you want to achieve noticeable results.

  1. Puff out your cheeks and slowly roll the air, first from side to side, and then in a circle - in one direction and in the other.
  2. Stretch your lips forward, folding them into a tube, hold in this position for a second, and then return to the starting position.
  3. Lift your upper lip and pull it up as far as possible, then return to the starting position.
  4. Tilt your head back to tighten your chin muscles. Inhale air and slowly blow it out, slightly stretching your lips.
  5. Extend your upper lip and cover your lower lip with it. Now extend your lower lip and cover your upper lip with it. Now extend your lips forward and try to repeat both parts of the exercise.
  6. Purse your lips, extend them forward and hold this position for about 10 seconds. Now move your lips from side to side and up and down. Do the movements for 10 seconds, then relax your lips.
  7. Sing the sounds “A”, “O”, “U”, “Y”, “I”, “E” slowly and clearly. Make sure that folds do not appear in the circumlabial area.
  8. Inhale air through your nose and release it through your mouth.
  9. Pull your cheeks in, inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth.
  10. Clench your teeth and suck in air through your mouth. Exhale through your mouth too, but at the same time puff out your cheeks.
  11. Purse your lips tightly and begin to lower your bottom lip to expose your bottom teeth. Return to the starting position.
  12. Smile as wide as possible. At the same time, make sure that your eyes do not squint. Only the lower part of the face should work.
  13. Pull your upper lip forward. The lower one should remain relaxed.
  14. Make an air kiss: bring your lips into a tube, touch them to your palm with light pressure, and then blow the “kiss” off your hand. Try blowing kisses in different directions.

Perform each exercise 10–20 times. Start with the minimum amount and gradually, every day, increase it to the maximum. Gymnastics can be done at home, sitting in front of the TV, at work, during lunch break, and even while walking.


To make the exercises more effective, it is recommended to combine them with a special massage. During the procedure, generously lubricate your lips and hands with nourishing cream or cosmetic oil.

Use your fingertips to gently press the area around your lips and massage them in a circular motion. You should not try to smooth out wrinkles: stroking and rubbing movements further stretch the skin. The massage lasts 3–5 minutes.

For massage, you can use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Before starting the procedure, generously lubricate your lips and surrounding area with cream. Take the brush in one hand and hold the skin with the other to protect it from unnecessary stretching.

Massage your lips, making movements with the brush first from the corners to the center, and then from the corners to the wings of the nose. Allow 3–5 minutes for the procedure. At the end of the procedure, tap the skin with your fingertips.

It is best to massage in the evening before bed, after removing makeup and cleansing the skin. After the procedure, lubricate your lips and surrounding area with cream.

Homemade cosmetics

The use of homemade cosmetics is also very effective in the fight against purse-string wrinkles. There are many recipes that women have been using since ancient times to remove wrinkles around the lips and prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

  1. Prepare a mask from natural ingredients and apply it to the lip area. The following are perfect for this mask: cucumber, tomato, grapes, apple, raspberry, avocado. Grate the selected fruit or vegetable or grind it in a blender. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin, lie with the mask for about 15 minutes, and then rinse it off with water.
  2. Take 1 teaspoon of honey, warm it slightly and add a few drops of olive oil. Stir and rub the mixture into the skin. Walk around with the mask for 10 minutes and then wash.
  3. Mash half a banana with a fork. Add 1 teaspoon of sour cream to it and stir. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin for 15 minutes.
  4. Combine the egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and a few drops of olive oil. Apply the mask for 15 minutes.
  5. Beat the egg white into a bowl. Apply it to the area around your lips and leave the mask on for about 15 minutes. Protein tightens the skin well.
  6. Take 1 teaspoon of aloe pulp and honey. Mix and apply the paste to the skin.
  7. Take 2 teaspoons of dry starch and dilute it with a small amount of full-fat kefir until you obtain the consistency of liquid sour cream. Apply the mixture to the lip area.
  8. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of canned green peas, mash it with a fork or grind it in a blender and add a little kefir. Apply the mixture to the skin for 10 minutes.
  9. Rub your lips with ice cubes regularly.

Prevention of purse-string wrinkles

The appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip is easier to prevent than to deal with them later. Therefore, every woman who wants to prolong the youth of her facial skin should know preventive measures.

  1. If you smoke, it is better to say goodbye to this bad habit. Smoking not only ages the skin of the face and causes early wrinkles, but also creates many health problems.
  2. Give the skin around your lips proper care: wash your face with cool water every morning and evening, and don’t forget to use moisturizing and nourishing creams or serums.
  3. Eat right. The following foods will help keep your facial skin youthful: fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats, sea fish, nuts, dairy products, and cereals. In addition, to saturate the skin with moisture, provide the body with a sufficient amount of clean water.
  4. Get rid of bad facial habits: do not purse your lips, do not fold them into a “bow”. As soon as you feel that your lip muscles are tense, immediately relax them.
  5. Avoid chewing gum for long periods of time and drink drinks through a cocktail straw as little as possible.
  6. Look for a special Japanese lip trainer on sale - it is a rubber device made in the shape of lips. Such a simulator is inexpensive, and regular exercises with it give good results.

Purse-string wrinkles significantly age the face, giving it a tired, haggard appearance. Therefore, do not be lazy to take care of your skin. This way you will prolong youth and beauty for many years.