How to look like a Korean in appearance

It is no coincidence that the question “how to become like Korean women” has become very popular lately. The girls of this country are famous for their beauty, graceful appearance and attractive features. But do external data play a major role here?

Probably, many have heard about how a Chinese man sued his wife because their children were not born so beautiful. And it’s all the fault of the plastic surgeries that my wife performed on herself before their marriage! In this regard, South Korea has not gone far: many parents give their daughters money when they come of age so that they can become beautiful with the help of plastic surgery.

How to become like Korean women? Is it really necessary to take such radical measures? Fortunately, no. You only need to learn a few secrets to achieve your ideal.


What is the secret of their beauty?

Oddly enough, there is no special catch here. Korean women by their nature are not considered incredible beauties; on the contrary, their appearance by European standards is not particularly attractive. By the way, European standards are firmly entrenched in the minds of Korean women, which is why their country has such a highly developed beauty industry, which not only improves the condition of the skin, hair, etc., but also radically changes appearance. Koreans love big eyes and thin noses, so eyelid surgery and rhinoplasty are the most popular.

Whether this is good or bad - everyone draws their own conclusions, but one thing cannot be taken away from Korean women in any case - they are incredibly well-groomed. Their skin, nails, hair are always in perfect condition. As already mentioned, the production of cosmetics is developed in South Korea; they are not only accessible to the majority of the population, but also have an excellent effect. Therefore, almost every girl and woman can afford high-quality personal care.

This is the main secret of Korean women - grooming. Therefore, if you want to be like these mysterious oriental beauties who themselves strive to resemble Europeans, then start with caring cosmetics. Which one to choose?

Personal care

  1. Choose skin products with snail mucus. This substance contains a large amount of collagen and elastane, and these components precisely support the youth and beauty of the epidermis. The magical properties of snail mucus were discovered in the 60s of the last century, and for almost 60 years it has been actively used in cosmetology. Creams, tonics and serums from South Korean manufacturers are rich in this ingredient, so finding them will not be difficult;
  2. Do not neglect any stage of cleansing! If you live in a metropolis, then your skin experiences enormous stress every day. It gets dirty in any case, even if you leave the house for 15 minutes! And at home you are exposed to harmful environmental influences. Wash off your makeup thoroughly with hydrophilic oil, use foam and toner, and scrub once or twice a week. Sound tiring? But you will be able to preserve your beauty and youth;
  3. Tanning is a sign of peasant women and poverty, so Korean women try to keep their skin white and soft. And the sun's rays are harmful to the epidermis. Use sunscreen to help protect cells from exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  4. Try to exfoliate regularly. It will help free the skin from the stratum corneum of dead cells, allowing it to breathe and glow. You won’t even notice how your wrinkles will disappear, peeling will disappear, your pores will tighten, and your complexion will become even and beautiful;
  5. Fabric masks are a budget-friendly and effective way that will help keep you youthful and beautiful;
  6. Don't forget about your hair! Be sure to use a balm after washing your hair to smooth the cuticle. If you skip this step, the likelihood of breaking steamed hair increases and it will become more fragile. Apply a mask with the properties you want several times a week. Use leave-in sprays that will protect your curls.


  1. Also take a closer look at South Korean companies. If you have not come across their cosmetics before, be sure to go to the Internet site where decorative products are sold. You will be surprised by the variety of products, their functions, colors and shapes;
  2. BB cream is your best friend. This is a foundation that combines the caring properties of a regular cream. Often it comes with SPF protection, so you kill three birds with one stone: you get foundation, skin care and sunscreen. The main thing is to choose your tone;
  3. It’s rare for a Korean woman to use one product for more than 3 months. Not every girl living in Russia or the CIS can afford this, but in any case, you need to keep an eye on the expiration date of cosmetics. An expired product may cause an allergic reaction or otherwise harm the skin;
  4. Most often, Korean women look quite natural. They love clear, natural-colored eyebrows; plump lips of a juicy, slightly moist color; large eyes, which are emphasized with lengthening mascara and matte shadows in soft shades. Take these rules into account.


Enough has already been said about hair care. To achieve maximum similarity, it is worth noting the hairstyles of Korean beauties. They are also not pretentious, but attract attention with their rigor, conciseness and simplicity. Korean women love regular straight partings, which are most often done in the middle or slightly to the side. Buns and ponytails are convenient and easy hairstyles that anyone can do. If you are a fan of bangs, then lay it in even strands and straighten the rest of your hair - it will look very oriental.

The natural hair color of Korean women is black or dark brown. If you are a natural platinum blonde, then you shouldn't run to the store for a tube of dye. It is not necessary to achieve a portrait resemblance; the hairstyle itself is quite suitable. It’s better to buy a wig or strands of hair, with their help you can create the desired image without resorting to such radical methods, fortunately, with the help of the Internet, purchasing wigs is as easy as pie, and they are quite affordable.

In addition, European standards of attractiveness force many girls from South Korea to dye their hair light brown or blond. The least popular red color.

Beauty is a subjective concept, so it is difficult to say that one nation is truly beautiful and another is not. Girls from South Korea are famous, first of all, for their well-groomed appearance, and this is what is striking about them. How to become like Korean women? Very simple. It is enough to take good care of yourself and not neglect the necessary cosmetics.

It's common knowledge that Koreans are obsessed with plastic surgery - some of them will go to great lengths to look European.

Therefore, information about a Brazilian guy who underwent ten cosmetic surgeries to look like a Korean is simply mind-blowing! This young man was naturally very handsome, but the desire to have an oriental appearance turned out to be so strong that he decided on a series of procedures - silicone implantation, lip surgery and other interventions that cost him a fortune.

The 25-year-old from Novo Hambergo in southern Brazil calls himself Xiahn; This is a nickname, it hides the true name in order to remain unrecognized. Xiahn originally had blue eyes and blond hair, and was completely happy with himself until he went.

. as an exchange student at Dongseo University in South Korea.

There he became ill with the idea of ​​plastic surgery. “Koreans undergo a lot of surgery to change the shape of their eyes to look like Westerners,” he said. And Xiahn developed a passion for Korean culture, and for the unique appearance of Koreans. He dyed his hair dark and began wearing contact lenses to hide his natural eye color. And now he is infinitely pleased with his new appearance. He is not going to change anymore, although how much more?

The most offensive thing is that those around him did not appreciate the guy’s attempts to become different. Many are convinced that he suffered greatly in the accident, and that is why he changed so much. To avoid questions, the young man has to wear dark glasses.

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Number of sources used in this article: 7. You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Each of us has our own ideal that we want to be like and our own standards of beauty that we adhere to. With the increased popularity of Korean music and television, many girls want to be like Korean girls. Yes, plastic surgery can change your face, but it is expensive, risky and irreversible. This article is intended for those who want to look like a Korean without plastic surgery, but only using the available tools that you probably already have at your disposal.