Good day to all!
Today we will look at such unusual words as “kako”, “kakos” and “kakotskoe”. We have before us a very fascinating linguistic task exploring the nature and etymology of these words. Together we will try to consider what secrets these words conceal and how they are used in our speech.
So, the very first and most understandable word is “Kakotskaya”. The word that immediately comes to mind is cocoa dessert, made from refried cocoa beans. This word comes from the Mayan language and was used as a common term for a dish that became widespread thanks to the Spanish conquerors of Mexico. With the advent of their culture, our beloved word “hot chocolate” came into speech.
However, we should not forget about the other origin of the word “kako”. It is associated with the word "freak", which has also been present in our language since time immemorial. This version is quite popular and there are many sources confirming it. However, the question arises: is the word “freak” really related to the word “coffee”? It is quite possible that these are completely different concepts that are associated with some different manifestations of appearance.
And a bit more
Today, there are many diseases that affect the human body and lead to its disruption. These disorders can cause not only discomfort, but also lead to death. In this case, the prefix Kak- (Cac -), Caco - (Caco -) is studied.
Kak- and Kako indicate the presence of any disease or sign of a developmental defect in a person. Moreover, this word is usually in the plural, and this indicates that the disease affected several organs or systems (for example, arterial hypertension - a chronic increase in blood pressure). Similar prefixes are also applied to female organs, for example, goat tongue denotes a disease of this part of the body in a woman - strabismus (slight deviation of the eye to the side from the norm).
It is important to remember that these prefixes indicate health problems and are not equivalent to the term “disease” or “disability.” In addition, the presence of these attachments is not a death sentence for the patient. The use of such terms can significantly affect the patient's mood and attitude towards their health. Therefore, you should be very precise in your diagnosis and expect the patient to have a psychological attitude towards recovery, with an awareness of the cause of the specific disease.