Corneal scissors

Scissors are one of the most common medical instruments that are used for various procedures in surgery and medicine. They can be of various types, including corneal ones. Corneal scissors are special scissors that are designed for use in operations on the cornea of ​​the eye. Such instruments are used in ophthalmology and keratoplasty.

Currently, there are many different models on the market that differ in shape, size, material and other parameters. One of these manufacturers is the Gorky Medical Instrument Plant, which produces corneal scissors. The products of this company are of high quality and reliability.

Typically, corneal scissors are made from high-quality stainless steel or titanium. Such materials ensure the strength and durability of the tool. In addition, they do not cause allergic reactions and do not contain toxic substances.

Since corneal scissors are used during eye surgery, their size and shape must be taken into account.

It is worth noting that when using corneal scissors, you should avoid twisting the instrument and do not apply too much pressure to the patient's eyes to avoid damage to the eyeball.

Corneal scissors


* Scissors are a medical product with a wide range of uses. They are used for minor cosmetic surgeries, treatment of lesions and wounds, disinfection of small instruments and much more. That is why scissors have a very diverse range.

Scissors are used to treat wounds and wash blood vessels, separate the skin from the conjunctiva or cornea of ​​the eye during surgery, and expose the fundus of the eye. With their help, some interventions are performed on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

**Scissors are used to cut:** - scars; - conjunctiva of the eyelids; - cornea and skin; - neoplasms (papillomas); - dry mucous membrane in the eyes.

*Blunt scissors with cutting edges* perform the following manipulations: - dissection of the cornea. Special care is required without pressing too hard to avoid causing corneal injury; - with a scalpel. They can pierce the interdigital spaces of the hand. It is used to remove residual blood during skin flap transplantation. - with blunt ends. For dilation of pupils, separation of superficial layers of skin during diagnosis