How to massage dogs

Massage has a preventive and therapeutic effect on the human body. But not only people have noticed a positive effect. Massage for animals also has a beneficial effect on the body system and the condition of internal organs. Today we’ll talk about massage for dogs. This procedure is an excellent addition to the main treatment, which promotes faster recovery of a weakened body.

Back in Ancient Greece, they began to practice massage treatments for animals. The philosopher Arrianus argued that the animal becomes much healthier and more resistant to the development of various diseases.

Today, many pet salons offer this service. And this is not at all surprising, since in many health situations massage can become an additional, and sometimes the main treatment for various diseases.

Dog massage

Massage will help the dog calm down and feel cared for by the owner.

Benefits of massage for dogs

One of the main obvious advantages is relaxation and relieving anxiety. During the massage, the dog produces endorphins - joy hormones that cause pleasure and calm. The dog feels love and care from its owner.

What other obvious positive aspects can be highlighted:

  1. massage is effective for diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  2. for injuries;
  3. for joint diseases;
  4. the procedure improves blood circulation;
  5. gentle massage techniques will calm the dog and help overcome fear;
  6. control over the dog’s health increases several times, the likelihood of immediately detecting an increase in temperature or pain points increases;
  7. the procedure is an excellent stimulant for a faster recovery of a sick dog;
  8. effective for problems with the digestive system.

Physical contact with an animal has a beneficial effect on its nervous system. With each subsequent session, the dog will behave more calmly and peacefully. As the animal grows older, it will be much more effective at resisting various diseases.

In some dogs you can find many behavioral problems: anger, aggression, barking for no reason, and so on. In fact, behavioral problems may be a result of back or neck pain. By eliminating these pains, the character of the animal changes and its behavior normalizes. Therefore, a full body massage is a great way to eliminate your pet's bad habits.


  1. infectious diseases;
  2. feverish condition;
  3. acute fractures and wounds;
  4. inflammatory processes;
  5. renal failure;
  6. epilepsy.

Dog massage

Massage will help with back pain

How to massage a dog

Of course, professional massage is only possible for specialists in this field. We suggest you familiarize yourself with how to perform a regular massage, which every dog ​​owner can do.

  1. So, the simplest and most accessible massage is stroking the sides, belly and back.
  2. Next, you need to grab the tail with your palm and stroke it from the root of the tail to the tip.
  3. Then you need to lightly tap the skin with your fingertips.
  4. Some dogs, and in particular the Italian greyhound, love to be touched with a silk scarf.
  5. Having finished with soft elements, you can move on to more intense ones. Using rake-like movements of your fingers, you need to stroke from the stomach to the back. The dog must stand while doing this.
  6. Next, the dog should take a lying position. You should make circular movements with your palm, moving against the muscles.
  7. Afterwards, you need to gently rub the dog’s paws, as well as the area between the pads.
  8. The procedure should be completed by general stroking of the entire dog.

Relaxing massage for dogs

Before starting the procedure, you need to prepare yourself and your pet. Take a few slow breaths and shake your arms. Gently stroke your animal and talk to it in a quiet voice.

  1. Using your fingertips, gently make circular movements along the muscles of the spine. Perform circular movements first clockwise, then counterclockwise. During movements, fingers should not leave the animal's skin.
  2. Then use the same circular movements at the base of the skull. Once you feel the animal relaxing, you can slowly move to the front of the neck. The trachea and muscles on both sides of the pharynx should be avoided.
  3. Slowly move to the base of the ears. The area under the ears should be massaged very carefully because the lymph glands are located there.

Such joint massage procedures will be useful for the pet and its owner: the person will lose stress, aggression, nervousness, blood pressure will decrease, and the dog will feel care and love from its owner.