How to do a facial sculpture massage

Sculptural facial massage is considered one of the most effective methods of eliminating the first signs of aging and giving facial skin a fresh, healthy look. In the field of cosmetology, this unique technique is considered a real panacea for facial rejuvenation. Initially, this type of massage was intended for people who had suffered a stroke and paralysis to transform their face. Over time, it began to be used for cosmetic purposes.

What results can be achieved by consistently and systematically performing the technique of sculptural facial massage:

  1. intense effect on the facial muscles, resulting in deep relaxation and toning of the muscles;
  2. Using acupressure techniques, blood circulation increases and the functioning of nerve endings improves;
  3. by performing deeper and more intense movements, lymphatic drainage is ensured;
  4. provides a strong effect on the neuroreceptor system during superficial massage;
  5. it is possible to get rid of nervous tics, “bags” and dark circles under the eyes;
  6. complexion and skin condition noticeably improve.

Unlike other types of massage, sculptural massage is performed with a more intense effect.

The effect is aimed at the facial muscles, and not at the skin or subcutaneous fat.

Sculptural facial massage

Skin looks fresh and healthy

Main features of massage

The founder of the sculptural method of influence is Joelle Siocco. Thanks to this brilliant woman, a technique with intense pressure during massage of the face, neck and chest was developed and tested. Joelle's massage is performed with a deeper treatment of the muscles of the face and neck. By working on each area of ​​the face, the muscles are toned, the muscles are strengthened from the inside and blood circulation is significantly improved.

It is worth warning that after such an active procedure, the facial muscles may ache a little. But this is quite normal, after several procedures everything will pass. Your facial muscles seemed to be asleep until the sculpting massage was performed. The effect will exceed all your expectations:

  1. loose areas of cheek skin will be tightened;
  2. wrinkles in the frontal area will be smoothed out;
  3. facial skin will acquire a fresh and youthful appearance.

More attention is paid to those areas where the most idle muscles are located - they are the main problem of aging.

Thanks to the powerful blood flow, swelling disappears, wrinkles tighten, and the skin acquires a pink tint. A significant smoothing of the nasolabial fold is noticeable. The course consists of 12 procedures or more, if necessary. Because fewer sessions will not give the desired result. As a rule, the cosmetologist first treats the décolleté area, then the neck and face area. Having reached the forehead area, the cosmetologist begins the massage in the opposite direction.

How much does it cost to start using this massage?

The good thing about the sculptural massage technique is that it can be used not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for preventive purposes - the facial skin will be constantly toned, blood circulation and microcirculation will work well, facial muscles will be developed in the correct mode. Systematic implementation will lead to facial skin acquiring a healthy and youthful appearance.

You should start attending massage sessions at the age of 25-30.

Of course, each case is individual. Much depends on each woman’s predisposition to the appearance of wrinkles. There are cases when at 50 years old a woman’s nasolabial folds are practically invisible, while others at 40 years old already show obvious signs of aging. This ratio is influenced by a large number of reasons - it could be the surrounding ecology, the psychological state of a woman over a long time, heredity, nutrition, etc.

But, among other things, absolutely any woman wants to look fresh, young, and beautiful. Facial massage is one of the most effective methods of transforming your appearance without surgery and wasting money.

Sculptural facial massage technique

sculptural facial massage

Massage lines

To perform this cosmetic procedure, you need to know the anatomy of the facial structure, massage techniques and massage oil. But the oil must be special.

  1. So, having a clearly defined scheme and a time of 30 minutes, the procedure begins with a massage of the cervical-collar area of ​​the posterolateral surface.
  2. Next, the massage therapist begins to work on the front surface of the neck and lower part of the chin. Thanks to these techniques, lymphatic drainage and relaxation of the muscles of the cervical collar region occur.
  3. Then the masseur directly begins the facial massage. First, the so-called “preparatory stage” is performed using more plastic movements. They prepare the skin for further intense exposure.
  4. First, light stroking and rubbing are performed. Then more “aggressive” kneading and gripping techniques are used: pressing on certain areas of the face, “rolling” between the phalanges of the fingers, a kind of “squeezing” along massage lines.
  5. The massage is characterized by high speed and amplitude of movements, because the main goal is to work the facial muscles, and not the superficial skin layer. The massage therapist uses not only the pads of the fingers, but also the phalanges of the fingers, performing various rolls, pressure and kneading.

The massage technique contains borrowed techniques from procedures such as lymphatic drainage massage, Japanese Asahi, acupressure Shiatsu, classical and Tibetan massage.

Contraindications include:

  1. thyroid diseases;
  2. dermatosis;
  3. acute infectious diseases;
  4. malignant neoplasia.

Facial massage is one of the most effective ways to give your skin a healthy and fresh look, eliminate cosmetic imperfections, and also hide the first signs of aging.