How and When Should You Go to the Maternity Hospital?

How and when should I go to the maternity hospital?

Childbirth is a process that requires careful preparation and organization. Every expectant mother should know when and how to go to the maternity hospital in order to avoid unnecessary stress and problems during childbirth.

When should I start going to the maternity hospital?

When to start going to the maternity hospital depends on many factors, including the nature of contractions, the length of pregnancy and the personal characteristics of each woman. If you have signs of labor such as swelling, lower back pain, or increased urination, contact your doctor to find out when you should go to the hospital.

If you start having contractions, it is important to calculate their intensity and frequency to understand how close you are to giving birth. Regular contractions, occurring every 15-20 minutes and lasting 20-30 seconds, are a sign that it is time to go to the maternity hospital. Typically, the latent phase of the first stage of labor lasts 4-6 hours. When contractions occur more often than once every 7 minutes, it means that the active phase of the first stage of labor has begun - the cervix has already been smoothed and is actively dilating, so you need to hurry.

If your water breaks, you should seek medical attention immediately. Usually the water breaks at the end of the first stage of labor, but sometimes it breaks immediately after contractions begin or even before labor begins. In this case, you need to call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital.

How to get to the maternity hospital?

It is important to prepare for the trip to the maternity hospital in advance. If you plan to go to the maternity hospital by car, do not forget that the expectant mother should ride in the passenger seat. Doctors do not approve of a sitting position, so in the car you should try to assume a reclining position, placing pillows under your lower back. This is most conveniently done in the back seat of the car. It is not advisable to get to the maternity hospital by metro. If labor begins suddenly and there is no one to take you, you can call a special service - the obstetric unit of the Ambulance.

What documents should I take with me to the maternity hospital and where should I go upon arrival?

All applicants to the maternity hospital must go to the admissions department. To register for the maternity hospital, you will need a passport, exchange card, and a compulsory or voluntary health insurance policy. In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is better to carry documents with you at all times so as not to forget them during the trip to the maternity hospital. It is also useful to have a list of contact information for doctors and relatives who need to be notified of the onset of labor.

Upon arrival at the maternity hospital, you will be met by medical workers who will conduct an initial examination and complete all necessary documents. You will then be directed to the delivery room or ward, where they will await the start of active labor. In the maternity hospital, you will be provided with the necessary medical care and support during the birth process.