Caesarean Section Can Be Avoided

Caesarean section can be avoided: research results

One in four caesarean sections could actually be avoided, according to obstetricians and gynecologists from the University of Liverpool in the UK. This statement is based on research that has shown that in most cases, doctors perform caesarean sections or promote natural births, even when this could have been avoided.

Using the correct obstetrics tactics would make it possible to replace this surgical intervention with natural delivery. This means that many women can avoid the need for a caesarean section if they are given the option of a natural birth.

Correct obstetric care tactics require that the doctor carefully evaluate each situation and make decisions based on medical indicators. For example, if the baby is in a normal position and the woman has sufficient pelvic width, then a natural birth can be safe for mother and baby.

However, research shows that many doctors choose to perform a caesarean section instead of a natural birth, even when this is unwarranted. This may be due to various factors, such as convenience for the doctor or due to concerns for the health of the mother and child.

However, research shows that proper use of obstetric care can significantly reduce the number of cesarean sections, which in turn will lead to improved health of mother and child, as well as lower health care costs.

Avoiding a caesarean section can be achieved by choosing the right delivery tactics and ensuring women have access to qualified medical care. It is therefore important that doctors and obstetricians make decisions based on medical evidence rather than on personal preference or convenience. This is the only way to ensure the safety of mother and child and reduce the number of caesarean sections.