Sunscreen Lotions

Howl of water to improve the absorption of calcium, which will help strengthen bones and teeth. However, to protect your skin from the sun's damaging rays, you must use sunscreens such as lotions and creams.

Sunscreen lotions are one of the most effective ways to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation. They contain special ingredients that help reflect or absorb ultraviolet rays, preventing them from penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin. This reduces the risk of burns, pigmentation, premature skin aging and even the development of skin cancer.

There are many different sunscreen lotions on the market, but you can also make your own using simple ingredients that can be found in any home. For example, oil-vinegar lotion can be made by mixing olive or sesame oil, vinegar, iodine, and a fragrance such as lavender. This lotion can be effective due to the properties of vinegar, which helps fight sun damage, as well as oils, which can moisturize and soften the skin.

You can also prepare a cream based on oils and tea. To prepare it, you need to melt lanolin in a water bath, add sesame oil, almond oil, strong tea and a flavoring component. This cream can help retain skin moisture and absorb UV rays thanks to the properties of sesame oil.

Another simple lotion can be made using sesame seeds and rose water. To do this, you need to grind sesame seeds into powder, mix them with rose water and add vodka or medical alcohol for preservation.

Finally, various herbal tincture recipes or homemade masks can be used to relieve inflammation and sunburn. For example, a tincture of burdock leaves, nettle, chamomile, or tea can help soothe the skin and reduce inflammation. Rubbing the burned areas with cucumber slices or using a mask made with fuller's earth, hazelnuts, honey and cloves can also help reduce inflammation and burns on the skin.

In conclusion, sunscreen lotions are an important means of protecting your skin from the sun's damaging rays. You can use ready-made products or make your own using simple ingredients that can be found in any home. In addition, various recipes for herbal tinctures or homemade masks can be used to relieve inflammation and burns caused by sun rays. However, do not forget that the best protection for your skin from solar radiation is to cover it with clothing and use a hat or umbrella, especially during periods of maximum solar activity.