Juniper Cossack

Poisonous! Protected. Cossack juniper belongs to the Cypress family (Cupressaceae). Its pharmaceutical name is sprigs of Cossack juniper (Sabinae herba, formerly: Sumnitates Sabinae).

Botanical description. This evergreen coniferous plant is a creeping dense shrub or small tree with an obliquely rising trunk. The leaves of young plants are needle-shaped, later they take on a boat shape.

Grows in Central and Southern Europe, northern Asia.

Active ingredients: essential oil with thujone, podophyllotoxin, tannin, bitterness.

Application. In folk medicine, it was previously used as an abortifacient, as well as for the preparation of ointments (rubbing) that irritate the skin; in homeopathy - with the threat of miscarriage and sexual overexcitability.