Taking Care of Your Eyes

Taking care of your eyes

If your eyes are tired from work and your eyelids are red, rinsing or lotions with infusions of chamomile and dill are helpful. It is good to apply ice made from an infusion of the same herbs.

If swelling appears around the eyes, it is useful to make masks from parsley pulp (crush 10 g of parsley, add 20 drops of vitamin A and 1 teaspoon of sour cream).

A cream prepared at home can have a good effect: mince 100 g of parsley (leaves and stems), grind the resulting pulp with 20 g of margarine or melted bone marrow, add 1 teaspoon of vitamin A, 1 teaspoon of castor oil.

Oil compresses have an anti-inflammatory effect. Soak gauze in 5-6 layers in warm vegetable oil, put dry cotton wool and a terry towel on top, hold for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cold water, then with a piece of ice wrapped in gauze, lightly rub your eyelids along the massage lines.

It would be good to systematically do eye exercises. From the proposed exercises, you can choose the most suitable ones or do the whole complex:

  1. Look up, down, up again, down, etc. Close your eyes.

  2. Look up, straight, down, straight, several times