How to Say What I Want in Bed?

The job is to help Irene learn to talk about her desires in bed.

Failure to discuss your sexual desires can lead to an unsatisfactory sex life and relationship problems. Many women are embarrassed to talk about their needs in bed for fear of offending their partner or appearing inappropriate. But if you don't talk about what you like and what you expect from your partner, then he's unlikely to be able to meet your needs.

Self Confidence Program

If you suffer from self-doubt, then you need to start with simple steps. By gradually improving your confidence, you will be able to move on to more challenging tasks. Start small, for example, try telling your partner what you like about sex. Gradually increase the complexity of the tasks, talk about more specific desires, what you don’t like and what needs to be changed.

Case Study: Irene and Tom

Irene and Tom faced the standard problem of mismatched expectations in bed. Tom was a hurried lover and reached orgasm quickly, but did not spend enough time satisfying Irene. Instead of speaking about her needs, Irene remained silent and could not get what she needed from Tom. As a result, Tom decided that Irene was incapable of orgasm, and Irene felt unsatisfied and unloved.

What to do in such a situation?

The first step is communication. You need to talk about your desires and needs in bed. If you don't know what you need, try experimenting and find what makes you happy. But remember that the main thing in sex is communication and respect for your partner. Discuss your desires and limitations, agree on what you will and will not do. It is also important to listen to your partner and take into account his wishes.

How to do this tactfully?

Communicating about sexual desires can be awkward and shy. But there are a few tips that can help you do this tactfully and confidently:

  1. Don't be afraid to start a conversation. Start with simple things, like asking your partner what he likes about sex.

  2. Be specific. Talk about what you like and what you don't. Feel free to use specific words and describe your feelings.

  3. Express your wishes in the form of a request. For example, “I like it when you do that, can you do it again?”

  4. Use "I messages". For example, “I would like to try something new” instead of “You always do the same thing.”

  5. Listen to your partner and consider his wishes. Sex life should be pleasant and satisfying for both partners.

  6. Don't put pressure on your partner. If he doesn't want to do something, don't insist on it. It is important to respect each other's boundaries.

Start communicating with your partner about your sexual desires and needs. This will help you enjoy sex more and strengthen your relationship.