Pneumonia Chronic

Chronic pneumonia is a serious respiratory disease, which is characterized by a long-term inflammatory process in the lungs. It can develop in children for various reasons, such as congenital malformations of the bronchopulmonary system, systemic and hereditary diseases.

One form of chronic pneumonia is secondary chronic pneumonia, which develops against the background of other diseases or conditions, such as immunodeficiency states or diffuse pulmonary fibrosis. The clinical picture of this disease can be varied and depends on the extent of the process.

To diagnose chronic pneumonia, it is necessary to conduct an X-ray examination, tracheobronchoscopy and bronchography. Differential diagnosis is carried out with other diseases, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis and cystic fibrosis.

Treatment of chronic pneumonia is based on a staged, sequential approach and is carried out in a hospital during an exacerbation period. Antibiotics are prescribed according to the sensitivity of the microbial flora to them. To improve bronchial patency and the drainage function of the bronchi, inhalations with various solutions and drugs are used.

For pulmonary heart failure, various drugs can be used, such as strophanthin and corglycone, as well as humidified oxygen. To additionally influence the disease, exercise therapy and physiotherapy, such as UHF, inductotherapy and ozokerite application, are used.

Prevention of chronic pneumonia consists of timely treatment of acute and prolonged pneumonia, as well as foci of chronic infection. If there is no effect from the measures taken, consultation with a pulmonologist regarding surgical treatment is necessary.

In general, the prognosis depends on the correct treatment and the presence of complications. The most favorable results are observed in localized forms of chronic pneumonia, and in widespread diseases the pathological process often progresses. It is important to remember that prevention and prompt treatment are key measures to prevent chronic pneumonia and maintain a healthy respiratory system.