Areca Palm Or Catechu

The areca palm, also known as catechu, is a species of palm tree in the family Agesaceae (Palmae). Despite its beautiful appearance, this vegetation can be dangerous to humans and animals, as it contains toxic substances.

The botanical description of the areca palm describes it as a plant with pinnate leaves that can reach a height of up to 24 meters with a trunk thickness of 30-50 cm. The plant is found in the tropical regions of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan, the Malay Archipelago and others regions where it is grown as a crop.

Areca palm contains several active substances, including arecoline and other alkaloids, tannins, mucus, resin and fat. As noted above, these substances can be toxic to people and animals. In medicine, the areca palm was previously used as an anthelmintic, especially in veterinary medicine, and also for the treatment of diarrhea. However, poisoning can already occur after consuming 8-10 grams of pharmaceutical products containing areca palm extract.

Despite its potential danger, the areca palm is also used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks. Its feathery leaves and beautiful trunks, combined with a tropical atmosphere, give the area a unique look. Additionally, the areca palm can be used as a food source for animals such as elephants and deer.

In conclusion, the areca palm or catechu is a beautiful but dangerous plant that can be used both medicinally and as an ornamental item. But it must be remembered that consuming its poisonous parts can lead to serious consequences for the health of humans and animals. Therefore, before using areca palm, it is imperative to consult a medical specialist.