Wasp Waist

Lucky! Narrow waist, wide hips... and no headaches about excess fat deposits on the stomach and sides! Especially on the sides, that is, places that cause considerable psychological suffering to all women. Few people can boast of the absence or at least minimal fat content on the side of the body.

And this is determined, first of all, genetically, since adipose tissue provides protection for internal organs from various types of influences, that is, from cold, possible shocks or shocks. Therefore, fat from the abdomen and sides will go away, if it comes to this, of course, in the very last place. And then, it is necessary to take into account the constitution of the body: for some it is easier to “draw” the waist, since this part of the body is not problematic, but for others it is necessary to spend incredible efforts, exhausting themselves with “waist” exercises, doing aerobics and denying themselves what they love delicacy.

But the problem of the “sides” is not only aesthetic. Oh, how unpleasant it is when fat literally hangs over the waistband of your trousers or skirt. Of course, with the advent of low-waisted trousers and jeans, girls began to feel much more comfortable, but the problem remained. The solution is to control nutrition and sufficient aerobic exercise. It’s not for nothing that a wasp’s waist is supported by hours of grueling flights...

It is impossible not to mention the need for exercises on the oblique muscles, which, in addition to maintaining intra-abdominal pressure, form pleasant smooth curves, relieving you of excess fat on the “sides”. Of course, there are some “buts” here...

First of all, doing waist exercises should not be a panacea. It is necessary to choose exercises wisely, otherwise in the excitement of the struggle for the ideal waist, the oblique abdominal muscles can be “pumped up”. And this can lead not to a reduction in the waist, but, on the contrary, to an increase in it. It turns out that what we got rid of, we gained. How can this happen? The fact is that the oblique abdominal muscles, like any other, can increase in size if the load is heavy.

Today we would like to bring to your attention an exercise that will strengthen the oblique muscles and, with systematic exercise, will save you from unnecessary folds on the side of the body. Doing an exercise on a ball will add a hitch to your workout.

The first step, which is also the most difficult and responsible, is to position yourself correctly on the ball. Position yourself on the ball as shown in Photo 1. In the starting position, your torso should be in a straight line with your leg straight. One palm rests on the ball, the other is behind the head.

As you exhale, lift your upper body, bending to the side toward your straight leg (Photo 2). As you inhale, return to the starting position.

If you do not want your waist to increase, perform the exercise at least 15-20 times. If you feel a “burn” before the 15th repetition, it is better to take a break.

For those who find this exercise easy, we can offer a more complicated version with leg lifts. That is, at the same time as you lift your torso, while exhaling, lift your straight leg (Photo 3). As you inhale, lower it.

Good luck!

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

A wasp waist is an unusual phenomenon that is observed in some people. This is a disproportionately narrow waist, which can be caused by various reasons. In this article we will look at what a wasp waist is and how it can affect human health.

A wasp waist is a disproportionately narrow torso, which can be caused by various factors. Most often, this feature is observed in women, but it also occurs in men.

The causes of a wasp waist may be related to genetic factors, dietary habits and lifestyle. For example, if a person consumes few calories and does not get enough nutrients, then his body may begin to burn muscle instead of fat, which leads to loss of muscle mass and the development of a wasp waist.

In addition, a wasp waist may be associated with genetic features of body structure. Some people have narrower shoulders and hips, which can result in a wasp waist.

However, a wasp waist is not always a sign of poor health. Some people believe that it gives them grace and attractiveness.

Overall, the wasp waist is an interesting and unusual phenomenon that can have both positive and negative consequences for human health. However, if you notice a wasp waist, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice and diagnosis of possible health problems.

**“Wasp waist” or “talisman”: it’s not without reason that the French doctor forbade eating sweets**

So it doesn't seem like we're talking about professional boxer Jacques Lecrates? Or about the participant of the Miss Universe show Laura Sakha?! Most people view this aesthetic phenomenon simply as the figure of a beautiful person who knows exactly what to wear, how to walk on the catwalk and make a successful career in the fashion world. And no more than that. But it's not that simple.

In Europe and America, this term and concept was and is more widely known, but for the world of Russian culture this is a new phenomenon, and besides, it carries not only a moral assessment - it is a symbol of harmony and sexuality. Therefore, it is quite legitimate to assume that **this term could have been born from a representative of the fair sex with a thin waist** and a bright personality, who could not help but pay attention to