How were vitamins discovered?

In the past, when sea voyages lasted for months, sailors often suffered from scurvy, a dangerous disease characterized by hemorrhagic fever, bleeding gums and vulnerability to infection. Despite the fact that the holds of the ships were filled with food, which was well preserved, the disease still knocked out the crew on the ships. But when the ship arrived at the port and the sailors began to eat fresh citrus fruits, the disease disappeared. This was discovered at the end of the 18th century, and the British Admiralty began supplying lemons to its crews on ships. Since then, not a single person has contracted scurvy on the ships of the British Navy.

Researchers began to look for an explanation for this phenomenon and discovered that citrus fruits contain an effective anti-scorbutic substance. This substance turned out to be ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, which, like other vitamins, is found in large quantities in fresh foods (fruits and herbs) and is needed by the body in small quantities.

Vitamins are inorganic substances that the body cannot synthesize on its own and must be obtained from food. They are not a source of energy, but are necessary for regulating many body functions and are involved in converting the main components of food into energy.

Vitamins have been discovered and studied over several decades, beginning in the late 19th century. One of the first vitamins discovered by scientists was vitamin A, which is found in large quantities in carrots and other vegetables. Vitamin B1, which plays an important role in glucose metabolism, was discovered in 1910. Vitamin C, discovered in 1930, is one of the best known vitamins for its role in supporting the immune system and protecting against oxidative stress.

Today, the most common way to get essential vitamins is through a healthy diet that includes a wide variety of fresh fruits, vegetables and greens. But people with certain diseases or digestive disorders may need to take additional vitamins in the form of supplements or medications.

In conclusion, vitamins are important organic compounds needed to maintain health and proper functioning of the body. Their discovery and study were important steps in the development of science and medicine, and made it possible to improve the quality of life of many people. But don’t forget that the best source of vitamins is fresh foods, so you should include them in your diet and make sure you take enough of all the necessary vitamins.