9 Month Swim

Swimming for 9 months: preparing for motherhood

You are on the verge of new changes in life, because soon you will become a mother. You have already begun to be given advice about what you need to eat more or less, start swimming and introduce vitamins and microelements into your diet. But let's look at what really matters.

From the moment your unborn baby begins to grow, you, as an expectant mother, begin to experience a variety of emotions and moods. Sudden changes in progesterone and estrogen levels can cause mood swings in pregnant women. But all these strong feelings that cause whims and tears form the spiritual side of preparing for motherhood. Pregnancy forces us to reconsider our lives and brings us in touch with what is truly important.

For many women, pregnancy is amazing news that they want to share with others as soon as possible. However, others prefer not to advertise this circumstance until they feel more confident. Whether you've already announced or not, the prospect of miscarriage casts a shadow over this otherwise happy period.

In the first four weeks of pregnancy, the hormonal background remains the same as usual in the second half of the menstrual cycle, so the woman does not notice the changes that occur to her. It will be much more difficult in the next four weeks. To better adapt to the upcoming changes, it is recommended to walk more or take a vacation and spend it in nature. It is important to remember that sudden changes in climate and time zones are undesirable for you now.

The second sign of endocrine changes is nausea. It may only appear in the morning or last the whole day. You shouldn't starve, it's better to have breakfast while lying in bed. Let there be a cracker or unleavened biscuits on your night table, or maybe a slice of orange or an apple. Lean on vegetables, fruits, dairy products, boiled meat and fish. Now your child is very sensitive to harmful effects, so it is especially important to be attentive to his diet.

Swimming is a great way to prepare for motherhood. Swimming during pregnancy helps strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation and relieve tension. However, before starting training, you should consult your doctor. If the doctor does not mind, then you can start swimming in the early stages of pregnancy. It is important to choose the right swimming style that does not put stress on your joints or put pressure on your stomach. For example, back or side swimming styles are suitable.

In addition, swimming promotes relaxation and reduces stress, which is especially important during pregnancy. While sailing, you can forget about everyday worries and completely relax. This may help improve sleep quality and reduce feelings of fatigue.

But don't forget about precautions. Don’t swim alone; there should always be someone nearby who can help if necessary. In addition, do not forget about proper breathing while swimming so as not to create unnecessary stress on the body.

It is important to remember that every woman and every pregnancy is different, so you should consult your doctor before starting any sport. If the doctor sees no contraindications, then swimming can be an excellent way to prepare for motherhood.

In conclusion, preparing for motherhood is a complex and demanding process that requires attention and care. Swimming is one of the ways to prepare that will help improve your health, relax and reduce stress. However, do not forget about precautions and consult a doctor before starting classes. It is important to remember that the most important thing during this period is care and love for yourself and your unborn baby.