Obstruction of the Central Retinal Artery

Obstruction of the Central Retinal Artery: causes, symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Obstruction of the central retinal artery is a serious disease that can lead to a sharp decrease in vision and even loss of vision. This condition occurs due to blockage of the trunk of the central retinal artery, which can be caused by spasm, embolism or thrombosis.

Symptoms of central retinal artery obstruction include sudden, severe deterioration or loss of vision. The fundus of the eye has a milky white color, against which the yellow spot appears dark red (the so-called cherry pit symptom). The retinal arteries are sharply narrowed, the veins are narrowed less. When pressing on the eyeball, vascular pulsation on the optic nerve head is not observed. The disc is pale and its borders are unclear due to peripapillary edema.

The outcome of the process is usually optic nerve atrophy and macular degeneration. Some peripheral vision is preserved. When the branches of the central artery are blocked, the corresponding portion of the visual field is lost.

Vasodilators and decongestants can be used to treat central retinal artery obstruction. During the first week of the disease, daily retrobulbar injections of 0.1% atropine sulfate solution, 0.5 ml, are recommended. Nicotinic acid, amylnitrite, nitroglycerin and other drugs can also be used.

If the cause of obstruction is thrombosis, then anticoagulant therapy such as heparin, phenylin or pelentan, as well as fibrinolysin under the control of the prothrombin blood index, may be prescribed.

Treating the underlying condition may also help improve retinal health. In the later stages of the disease, vitamin therapy (A, B, Bg, B a 2, C) can be prescribed to improve the metabolic processes of the retina.

The prognosis for spasm of the central retinal artery is usually favorable. However, with other types of blockage (thrombosis, embolism), the prognosis is serious, vision is sharply reduced. It is important to seek medical help as soon as possible to prevent vision deterioration and maintain it as much as possible.