Why Do Infants Cry and Scream?

Why do babies cry and scream?

An infant cannot say anything, so he announces all his ailments, hunger and whims by crying or screaming. An experienced mother can easily recognize the reason for crying by the shades. And the inexperienced is at a loss and with her ignorance can only harm her child.

  1. Children cry from hunger even when they seem to be fed well. In this case, their crying is loud at first, then frequent and plaintive. In addition, the child does not look happy, and if a gradual loss of weight is still noticed, then it is clear that the given portion of food is not enough for him or the nurse does not have enough milk, or, if the child is fed artificially, the milk used for this is not good enough and nutritious.

  2. They cry because milk is too rich, which causes colic in children; in this case, their tummy swells and they kick their legs on the bed. The crying is loud and prolonged. You need to dilute the milk with water, and give a teaspoon of liquid infusion of chamomile or dill seed for colic.

  3. Children also scream loudly when they have an ear infection, which often happens with a cold, and they scream louder if you pull the ear or lightly press on the bone behind the ear. It is necessary to stuff the ear with a cotton swab dipped in warm vegetable oil or in a solution of glycerin and carbolic acid (the solution is made at the rate of 10 drops of glycerin per 1 drop of purified carbolic acid).

  4. They cry when the diapers are wet or soiled, but this crying is always accompanied by fidgeting on the mattress, and the crying is not loud, but rather capricious. We need to put the child in order.

  5. They cry and worry about parasites: fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes. It’s good to put fresh wormwood leaves under the mattress or even under the sheet, or even whole branches of it; It repels fleas and mosquitoes well. And to prevent bedbugs, lubricate the mattress with an infusion of kerosene on real chamomile flowers, you can dry it. Or lubricate the seams of the mattress with alum solution.

  6. Boys cry during urination due to narrowing of the urethra or fused foreskin. An indicator of this physical defect is the stream of urine that flows to the side. We need to show the child to the doctor for a minor operation. If you don’t do it, then at a later age it will be more difficult and painful. A similar cry occurs in little girls from pain due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia. You need to wash them with a weak solution of iodine (1-2 drops of iodine per glass of water), dry them well, but do not rub them.

  7. When the brain is inflamed, the child's cry is initially shrill. As the disease progresses, vomiting, convulsions, and drowsiness appear, the screaming subsides, turning into delirium or quiet groans. You need to call a doctor, put ice on your head, rest, silence (see article “Rodimchik” - convulsions).

  8. With croup or laryngitis (false croup), the cry is hoarse and the cough is barking (see “Croup” and “Laryngitis”).

  9. Finally, children scream and cry, being capricious. Especially if they are accustomed to being constantly held, they scream and cry until they are picked up. In general, these people cry and are capricious over the most trivial things if they are sure that they will begin to feel sorry for them and persuade them. In this case, they cry, as they say, “not why,” but “to whom.” This means that if a child sees a face whose self-pity he can count on, then he will cry and scream, choking, until he gets his way. And in front of strangers and those who are indifferent to him, he will not even think of crying.

Hence the simple conclusion - do not indulge the whims of children, who are much more cunning from the very cradle, and most importantly, much more heartless than their parents think about them.