Benefits of First Courses

Good health to you! There are people who simply cannot imagine a meal without the first course. And some never eat borscht or soups. What role do liquid meals play in health?

Recipes for proper preparation of first courses. If you don't eat liquid foods, bile stagnates and you risk gallstones. Add variety to your dry meal with a bowl of warm, spicy soup. If stones appear, you need to gradually increase the amount of liquid you drink per day and start eating the first thing.

Scientists from many countries have proven that people who regularly consume soups eat 30% fewer calories. Thus, “soup eaters” facilitate the digestion process and significantly facilitate the process of intestinal function. These people also feel much better.

Smart people say: “Look for tasty foods among healthy ones.” This is important for your health.

Sour borscht

Sauerkraut is a great way to get your bowels moving. The fiber it contains helps the intestines work. If you regularly eat sauerkraut, you will not know what constipation is.

Shredded sauerkraut, carrots and onions need to be stewed a little, and mushrooms should be prepared in the same way. Place everything together in a saucepan, mix thoroughly and boil. It makes an excellent brew for your borscht. You can add meat, as the body sometimes needs - fatty, for satiety. But don't add meat if you suffer from gallstones. Mushrooms are an excellent substitute for meat in your body.

Bon appetit.

Chicken soup

Chicken breast cut into small pieces and thoroughly boiled. When the water boils, you need to drain it and continue cooking in new water. The largest share of cholesterol is in the film of meat; it must be removed. The next step in cooking this soup is chopping the onions and carrots. After a few minutes of cooking, add carefully chopped vegetables to the soup. When our broth is ready, you can add rice, pre-washed with cold water, or other grains to your taste to the vegetables and chicken. When it all boils, turn off the stove and let the soup brew. The soup is ready to eat.

Bon appetit.

Onion soup

Scientists recommend consuming onion soups to prevent cancer. You need to eat such soups every day. Another property of this soup is its low calorie content and satiety. With its help you can lose weight. This soup strengthens bones, helps the body absorb calcium, and prevents bone fragility.

The original recipe for this onion soup was imported from France. In restaurants it is served with red wine. Here is a slightly simplified recipe for onion soup for home cooking.

Prepare broth, preferably chicken broth. Cut the onion into large rings. Then boil the onion in the previously prepared broth. To make the soup thicker and richer, add a little flour to the broth. You can also add a little cream to the boiling soup - it adds satiety and flavor to the soup. In French restaurants, garlic croutons are added to onion soup.

After cooking, give the soup to steep. Grate hard cheese into a bowl and pour in our aromatic soup. Add spices. This is a very healthy and very simple soup recipe. Cooking takes approximately 15-20 minutes. Bon appetit.

A little about the ear

Ukha is a very healthy liquid dish. Since it is cooked in fish broth, all the beneficial fish are contained in it.

As you know, fish contains a lot of substances that are beneficial for the human body. There are also easy-to-digest proteins that are also beneficial for the body.

The ear is very suitable for the recovery process after illness. You can eat fish soup only warm or hot; it is not recommended to eat it cold, since it warms up very well and nourishes our body when it is hot.

General Tips

Important points when preparing