Dry skin

Dry skin - thin, flaccid, pale, with insufficient blood vessels, with wrinkles and folds, flaking. Even teenagers can develop wrinkles on their cheeks, under their eyes, and at the corners of their mouth. Dry skin causes broken capillary lines, flaking, dry patches, redness that becomes inflamed in the cold.

The sebaceous glands do not produce enough oil, and the skin becomes dehydrated. Dry skin should be carefully and properly cared for. If you don't do this, wrinkles will appear. For washing, use only boiled or softened brown water. If possible, you should do without soap; Do not use eau de toilette containing alcohol.

Wipe your face with warm sunflower oil. You should cleanse the skin with a cream, then remove the remaining cream with a very mild tonic such as rose water or herbal tincture (decoction). Wash your face with water and cleanse it well. If you are afraid that your skin will dry out, apply a fairly large amount of moisturizer. Try washing your face with milk. Instead of soap, you can use almond or oatmeal flour (oatmeal).

Nutrition and protection are very important for this skin type. Don't go outside in the evening without moisturizing cream. If the skin is very dry, restore it with a rich, nourishing cream and remove excess cream after about 20 minutes. You need to know that the skin absorbs the required amount of cream in 10 minutes, and excess fat only clogs the pores.


Dry skin is highly sensitive to adverse effects. It lacks shine, quickly loses elasticity, and wrinkles appear early on dry skin.

When caring for such skin, the main thing is regular nutrition and hydration, protecting it from sun rays. Cleanse dry skin 2 times a day.

In the morning, dry skin of the face and neck is cleansed with liquid cream, vegetable oil, toilet