Boy or Girl?

Boy or Girl?

What could be more exciting than guessing who will be born to you - a boy or a girl? Usually, all relatives and even neighbors are included in the game Predict the gender of the unborn baby.

Over the hundreds of years of human existence, many signs have accumulated by which you can find out whether you are having a boy or a girl. And although often the result of these old wives' tales is completely opposite, it is still much more interesting than a banal ultrasound. We have collected some signs of determining the sex of a baby, both more or less scientific and folklore. Believe them or not is up to you.

You are having a boy if:

  1. You don't have morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  2. The fetal heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute.
  3. Your stomach protrudes forward and sits low.
  4. Your belly is as round as a basketball.
  5. The areolas around the nipples of the breast have darkened significantly.
  6. You crave salty or sour foods.
  7. You want protein foods - meat, milk or cheese.
  8. Your feet are colder than before pregnancy, or often feel cold.
  9. Hair on your legs grows faster during pregnancy than before.
  10. The palms of your hands are dry.
  11. During the period of conception, you slept with your head facing north.
  12. During your pregnancy, your husband gains significant weight, just like you.
  13. Pregnancy makes you more beautiful than ever.
  14. The color of urine is bright yellow.
  15. Your nose has become sharper during pregnancy.
  16. You often have a headache.
  17. If your wedding ring is hung on a string above your stomach, it will spin in a circle.

You are having a girl if:

  1. You have morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  2. Fetal heart rate 140 beats per minute or faster.
  3. You gain weight mainly on your thighs and buttocks.
  4. Your left breast is larger than your right.
  5. There are shades of red in your hair.
  6. Your belly is high and shaped like a melon.
  7. You crave sweets or fruits (especially oranges).
  8. You felt a little weaker during pregnancy.
  9. During pregnancy, you are often in a bad mood and cranky.
  10. You don't eat the crust of the bread.
  11. Your breasts have increased significantly.
  12. Facial skin is too dry.
  13. During the period of conception, you slept with your head facing south.
  14. The color of urine is dull light yellow.
  15. If your wedding ring is hung on a string above your stomach, it will sway from side to side.

Chinese gender chart.
As legend has it, the Chinese Gender Chart was found in an imperial tomb that is over 700 years old. This table is based on the mother's age at conception (first column on the left) and the expected month of conception of the unborn child (first row from the top). But although the table has been tested for centuries and is said to have a reliability rate of over 90%, remember that it is just a game.

B – boy
G – girl

[Chinese Gender Chart]