When Love is Poison.

Don't come near me - you'll fall and break your neck.

Such maternal love, filled with anxiety, can become real poison for a child. It negatively affects his development, limits his capabilities, limits his freedom of action and thinking. A child who grows up under constant control and restrictions cannot develop normally and cannot gain confidence in himself and his abilities. Such children often become indecisive, passive, lack self-confidence, and in some cases even develop psychological problems such as depression and anxiety.

Apart from maternal anxiety, there is another factor that can cause love to become poison. This is the mother's desire to live through her child, to use him as a means to achieve her own goals and satisfy her needs. Such mothers may impose their beliefs and interests on the child, and also encourage him to achieve certain goals that correspond to their own ambitions. As a result, the child may lose his individuality and independence, and become a puppet in the hands of his mother.

Moreover, there is another aspect of mother's love that can become poisonous. This is an excessive attachment of a mother to a child, which can lead to the fact that she does not give him the opportunity to develop and grow. Such mothers may not give their children the opportunity to experience failure and mistakes, which is necessary for their development and personality formation. As a result, the child may become dependent on the mother and will not be able to live an independent life.

To avoid love becoming poison, mothers must learn to balance their instincts with their child's wants and needs. They must respect the individuality of their child, give him freedom and the opportunity for self-realization, and also understand that their task is to help their child become an independent and happy person.

In conclusion, we can say that maternal love is one of the most beautiful and sublime feelings in this world. It is the basis for the normal development of a child and the formation of his personality. But if maternal love becomes poison, then it can cause irreparable harm to the child and his future. Therefore, it is very important that mothers learn to find a balance between their instincts and the needs of their children in order to have a healthy and harmonious relationship with them.