Talaya Voda

Melt Water: Beneficial Properties and Cleansing Methods

Melt water is an amazing phenomenon that offers not only a refreshing taste, but also potential healing properties for the body. It can be prepared from filtered water in a simple way - freezing in a regular refrigerator. In this article we will look at the process of creating melt water, its features and purification methods to obtain maximum benefits.

The process of preparing melt water is quite simple. You will need a saucepan or bowl of filtered water. Pour the water into your chosen container and place it on a sheet of plywood or cardboard in the freezer. Once frozen, remove the container and leave it to thaw at room temperature. It is important to note that the structure of water only lasts for a few hours, and it loses its characteristics when heated.

Freshly melted water has the greatest biological power when there are still individual pieces of ice in the dish. Often melt water is frozen in the form of ordinary cubes and added to tea or soup without waiting for complete dissolution. This method allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of melt water and use it as a natural source of nutrients.

Melt water not only has a refreshing taste, but also potential healing properties. Purified melt water has a characteristic structure and is perfectly purified from many salts and impurities. To purify water, you can use the following method: keep cold water in the freezer or on the balcony until about half of it freezes. Then the unfrozen part of the water is removed, getting rid of impurities. This method can be improved by refreezing the water after removing the first layer of ice. This double purification process creates very clean and healing water.

The melt water purification method was used by A.D. Labzoy, who became a promoter of this method. He got rid of ordinary tap water and began using purified melt water for his health. The results were amazing. In 1966, he had a kidney removed, and in 1984, he was almost completely limited in movement due to atherosclerosis of the brain and heart. However, after he began to be treated with purified melt water, his condition improved significantly.

It is important to note that the effects of melt water may vary from person to person and results may vary between individuals. Some reviews talk about the positive effect of melt water on overall well-being, improving digestion, increasing energy and strengthening the immune system. However, scientific research to support these claims is still limited, and further research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits of meltwater.

In conclusion, melt water is an interesting phenomenon that may have potential beneficial properties for the body. Preparing it from filtered water at home is quite simple, and purification methods produce very clean water. However, before using melt water as a remedy or food additive, it is recommended to consult a medical specialist.