How to use Shilajit for stretch marks

Striae are a common occurrence on delicate and thin female skin. They are very easy to get, but almost impossible to get rid of. Shilajit for stretch marks in tablets and powder helps to cure depressions on the body that appear after pregnancy or sudden weight loss.

Benefits of the product

Mumiyo or mountain tear is a resinous substance that combines materials of animal and mineral origin. Thanks to this, the product is extremely useful and nourishing for any body covering, from skin to nails. Mumiyo owes its structure to the places where it is collected; it is mainly mined in the mountains, between fissures or in the depressions of lakes. The physical state can be either liquid, solid or powder. It changes depending on the amount of moisture where the product is stored.

Now the Himalayan and Altai mumiyo are most often used. Useful qualities:

  1. Saturation of tissues with vitamins and minerals. Most mineral compounds are unique, and the body can only obtain them in the form of special medications. While mumiyo contains selenium, zinc, magnesium, calcium and many other micro- and macroelements we need;
  2. The product perfectly helps against any skin damage. Microcracks appear on the body every day, which can later develop into serious problems: stretch marks, rashes, fungi. Mountain tear helps reduce their number;
  3. Due to the fact that it contains various minerals, mumiyo powder is an excellent remedy for cellulite. It disperses lymph and restores the condition of the skin, increasing its turgor;
  4. Treatment of alopecia, any nail diseases, elimination or reduction of stretch marks due to regenerating and antioxidant properties.

At the moment, mumiyo has no contraindications, it does not cause allergies, it is prescribed for the treatment of diathesis in children and pregnant women. But there are certain flaws. Firstly, the drug has an unpleasant odor. This is a serious minus, because most often the trail of this fragrance cannot be interrupted by perfume and soap. Secondly, it stains the skin on the body brownish; some girls also claim that when washed off, the bathroom and sink are stained.

Video: beneficial properties of mumiyo

Shilajit creams and masks

The simplest recipe with mumiyo for stretch marks is to combine any cosmetic cream with tablets or powder. It should be noted that the powder is considered more effective. It is necessary to combine a teaspoon of mumiyo with the same amount of water. Stir the mixture until smooth, then add it to the cosmetic product. Recommended proportion: 2 parts cream and one homemade mass. The result will be a rather viscous brown substance. It needs to be rubbed into problem areas in a circular motion and left for a while. Most often, 30–40 minutes is enough.

Photo - Applying cream to problem areas

You can also make a cream for stretch marks using mumiyo tablets. This option is suitable for girls who don’t have time to mix the mixture every time and then wash all the dishes. It is necessary to apply a cosmetic base to the skin, then take a tablet of the mineral mixture and rub it into the stretch marks until completely dissolved. Experts say that circular movements promote better absorption.

Very good reviews about the natural “Golden Mumiyo Evalar” and chocolate for stretch marks. Of course, this recipe is far from budget, but it has helped many girls regain the beauty of their skin. You need to buy either natural chocolate bars and melt it in a water bath, or purchase cocoa powder (the effect will not change). Mix the ingredients in equal proportions, add baby cream and spread on the sides, thighs and other problem areas. You need to rub gently in a circle for as long as possible, but no more than 15 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with warm water. Repeat twice a week.

Photo - Making cream with mumiyo

This mask with mumiyo will not work if your stretch marks are blue and white. Before using, make sure you are not allergic to chocolate.

Scrub recipes for stretch marks

You can use mummy cream for stretch marks only in case of fresh depressions, for example, during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth. Girls with red stretch marks will achieve the greatest effect. For older stretch marks, you need to use harsher products. For example, coffee scrub. Need to connect:

  1. A teaspoon of mumiyo;
  2. The same amount of ground coffee;
  3. 5 drops of ether (you can take orange or eucalyptus oil);
  4. Spoon of water;
  5. Anti-cellulite cream (amount depends on the treatment area).

Stir the mixture until the mineral powder is completely dissolved. Coffee forms small abrasive particles in the structure, which will help not only activate the blood supply to problem areas, but also cleanse them of dead cells. Apply the mass to the body and rub in with intense movements for 5 minutes. Afterwards you need to leave the scrub for 10 minutes and rinse off under cool water. Application should be no more than twice a week.

Useful for cellulite and old stretch marks wrap with aspirin capsules and mumiyo. It should be noted that the recipe is not suitable for those with an allergy to vitamin C or individual intolerance to aspirin. Crush the same amount of medicine in a mortar and combine with one part of water. You need to add Boro-plus ointment to the mixture; they form a thick, oily film on the skin, improving the penetration of the active components under it. Spread the mixture on your body and wrap it in cling film, lie down under a blanket and wait 2 hours. After this time, wash off the medicine. The wrap can be done 3 times a week.

If you want to get rid of stretch marks and improve skin elasticity at home, we recommend doing Cambrian clay wraps, mumiyo and Dead Sea salt. Making a mask is very simple even with minimal experience. Combine all ingredients in equal quantities, add one part of water so that the mass becomes viscous to the touch. Apply to previously cleansed and dry skin. Wrap in film and leave for an hour.

Photo - Before and after use

Because of the salt, you may feel an unpleasant itch, but you should not scratch it. Using this medicine you can also remove acne on your buttocks and thighs. Can be used every day.

For the best effect, it is important to know how to use the drug correctly. Instructions for use of mumiyo:

  1. The cleansed product is best absorbed into steamed skin, so it is advisable to take a hot bath or contrast shower before applying;
  2. Many girls on the forums recommend rubbing the cream with a washcloth, this will help get rid of old stretch marks;
  3. In order to achieve the best results, you need to carry out the procedures regularly, the effect will become noticeable after 5–6 uses;
  4. To remove all stretch marks, treatment should begin at the earliest possible stage. The lighter the stretch marks, the more difficult it is to get rid of them with mumiyo, even if you use the product daily.

You can buy mumiyo for stretch marks in almost any pharmacy, the price depends on the type and manufacturer. On average, powder costs 20–30 rubles, and tablets – 35.

Greetings, dear readers! Today we will talk about the use of mountain resin - mumiyo - for stretch marks and other skin defects.

Every woman dreams of looking attractive. But sometimes unsightly stretch marks really spoil the appearance of the body. Knowing about these defects, a woman loses self-confidence and develops complexes.

A representative of the fair sex is embarrassed about her body, she avoids visiting the beach, and does not feel sexy next to her loved one.

Is it possible to change this situation and feel irresistible again? Cosmetologists say that it is quite possible to eliminate stretch marks. Shilajit is very effective in eliminating stretch marks.

However, before using this remedy, it is necessary to study how to use it so that the procedures are for the benefit and not harmful.

Shilajit against stretch marks on the skin

What this substance is has not been established to date. Some scientists claim that it is of geological origin. Others classify it as biological components. But both of them agreed on one thing.

Mumiyo is the only and unique product of its kind. Doctors use its medicinal properties to combat many diseases. Cosmetologists also appreciate the substance and often use it for stretch marks.

The effectiveness of the product is confirmed by specialists and women who have taken a course in the fight against stretch marks.

Shilajit for stretch marks allows you to solve several important problems:

  1. accelerate skin cell regeneration;
  2. make stretch marks pale and reduce their size;
  3. reduce the depth and relief of stretch marks;
  4. increase the elasticity of the epidermis;
  5. nourish the skin with vitamins and minerals.

Using mumiyo against stretch marks

The substance is of organic origin and contains a number of useful microelements: iron, nickel, calcium, aluminum, magnesium. The product is rich in a variety of amino acids. Thanks to such components, it is a real elixir of health and is capable of comprehensively healing the body.

Cosmetologists recommend using it to prevent stretch marks. The substance can also eliminate already formed scars.

In stores you can choose a wide variety of creams, gels, lotions containing healing mummy. You can easily prepare an excellent remedy for stretch marks yourself at home.

Altai mumiyo against stretch marks

Nature has been creating this remedy for thousands of years. It has been used for medicinal purposes since the time of Arab healers. The substance is still in great demand today.

Altai mumiyo is a piece of black shiny mass with a viscous structure. In addition, it is distinguished by a specific smell and bitter taste. It is these properties that confirm the naturalness of the Altai mumiyo.

It is often used in cosmetology. This type of mummy is especially effective for stretch marks. The substance easily penetrates the intercellular barrier and affects subcutaneous tissue. In addition, mumiyo is one of the first helpers for weight loss.

“Golden mumiyo” for stretch marks

This is a special preparation containing purified, 100% Altai mumiyo. It is produced using original technologies, thanks to which all active substances are preserved in the product: amino acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

The drug is available in tablet form. This greatly simplifies the use of the substance.

Mumiyo capsules for stretch marks

The drug, available in capsules, is easy to use. After all, the contents do not need to be crushed or crushed.

How to remove stretch marks using Mumiyo capsules? First, choose the recipe that suits you. We will look at the most effective means below.

To use this product, you need to grab the capsule and pull it in different directions over the container. The powdery contents will be poured into the desired container.

Mumiyo in tablets for stretch marks

The tablets and capsules are based on a hygroscopic dry extract of mumiyo, combined with lactose.

Which mummy for stretch marks is more effective: tablets or briquettes? This dilemma plagues many women. Most of them are confident that only raw materials have healing properties.

The mummy briquette, like a sponge, absorbs many different components: rocks, microorganisms, plants, soil. These components are useless for the human body.

During the production of the extract, such components are removed by repeated extraction of the raw material. Insoluble salts are especially ruthlessly removed from it. We are talking about quartzite, dolomite, calcite, which are quite dangerous ballast in the human body.

It is best to use purified mumijo for stretch marks: in the form of tablets or capsules.

Tips for using mumiyo

Positive dynamics are noticeable after 1 month of using mumiyo for stretch marks. And the first favorable changes, according to reviews, are observed after 2 weeks of using the miracle remedy.

To increase the effectiveness of a cream containing mumiyo, cosmetologists recommend following these tips:

  1. Only regular use of the substance can speed up the restoration of damaged skin.
  2. The prepared product must be used twice a day - morning and evening.
  3. When mixing the components, you may get a changed consistency of the cream. This should not alarm you. If the product is too liquid, use less water or change the brand of cream.
  4. Shilajit for stretch marks will allow you to achieve a better effect if you use a massage roller after applying the product. This procedure stimulates blood microcirculation and accelerates the healing process of stretch marks. Pregnant women are prohibited from massaging their belly!
  5. It’s easy to get rid of traces of mumijo on clothes or a towel. The substance is not a dye. It washes easily in warm water.
  6. Makeup remover milk or lemon juice can help remove brown marks on the skin.
  7. After applying the product to the skin, do not wash it off for 2-3 hours.

How to prepare mumiyo for stretch marks

It doesn’t take a lot of effort and time to prepare an excellent remedy at home.

It is easiest to use the drug packaged in capsules. This product is already dosed and dissolves perfectly in water.

If you use tablets, the tablets must first be crushed. Place the plates in a small amount of water. After 15 minutes they will dissolve.

Cosmetologists recommend a simple but very effective recipe containing mumiyo and baby cream for stretch marks.

To prepare it you will need:

  1. non-metallic utensils;
  2. mumiyo – 2-3 g;
  3. boiled water – 1 tsp. (use warm, not hot liquid);
  4. baby cream – 50-70 g.

Now let's move on to making an effective product, including mumiyo and baby cream, for stretch marks:

  1. Pour the mummy into the container (don’t forget to crush the tablets) and combine the component with warm water.
  2. Wait until the product is completely dissolved. The liquid will acquire a rich brown color and become homogeneous (without lumps).
  3. Add baby cream to the mixture and mix thoroughly.
  4. Leave it to steep for 10-15 minutes. Then stir the cream again.

As you can see, it is not difficult to make a product based on mumiyo and baby cream for stretch marks.

The product must be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. Under other conditions, the main component will deteriorate very quickly and lose its beneficial properties.

Video cream recipe from JuliaAndRoman

How to apply mummy-based cream

The prepared product is very easy to use. But there are still some secrets that will ensure the most effective results in the fight against stretch marks.

  1. The cream should only be used on a clean, steamed body. Initially, you will need to take a hot shower and walk over your body with a washcloth. You can use a scrub. Such procedures will remove the top dead layer.
  2. Then carefully apply the cream to the areas of the body damaged by striae. Using circular massage movements (clockwise), rub the product into the epidermis.
  3. The procedure should be repeated daily, morning and evening.

Recipe for stretch marks with mumiyo

Experts have developed many products based on mountain resin. Above is the recipe for the most common cream made at home.

However, there are other, no less effective means that allow you to achieve excellent results.


The cream has an excellent effect on fresh stretch marks. But what about those young ladies whose stretch marks are no longer red?

In the fight against chronic stretch marks, more stringent means are needed. An excellent solution would be to use a mask based on coffee and mumiyo for stretch marks. Read more about coffee in the fight against stretch marks on my blog.

To make the product you will need:

  1. mumiyo (crushed) – 1 tsp;
  2. ground coffee – 1 tsp;
  3. essential oil (eucalyptus or orange) – 5 drops;
  4. warm water (boiled) – 1 tsp;
  5. anti-cellulite cream (can be for children) – a little (it should “bind” the components).

Preparation of a mask containing coffee and mumiyo for stretch marks:

  1. Combine rock resin and water. Wait until completely dissolved.
  2. Add ground coffee to the mixture. It will provide the product with abrasive particles. They are aimed at activating blood supply in problem areas and cleansing the cover of dead cells.
  3. Add the selected ester and combine the mixture with the cream.

When applying the mask to the body, use intense rubbing movements for 5 minutes. Then leave the product on the skin for another 10 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, rinse off the mask with cool water.

Cosmetologists advise using a product containing coffee and mumijo for stretch marks twice a week. It is not recommended to use the mask more often.


Shilajit and sea buckthorn will have a simply amazing effect on stretch marks. The prepared oil has healing powers. After all, the beneficial properties of mountain resin are enhanced by sea buckthorn oil.

The last component has the following properties:

  1. improves metabolism;
  2. ensures healing of the integument;
  3. accelerates tissue regeneration processes.

How to prepare a remedy containing mumiyo and sea buckthorn for stretch marks? The recipe is simple. Mix mountain resin and sea buckthorn oil in a 1:2 ratio.

This product is effective in the fight against stretch marks. But it can be used not only to get rid of stretch marks. It is suitable for any body cover. After all, the product effectively heals wounds and cracks, softens the skin, eliminates excessive sweating and even eliminates calluses.

A product that combines honey and mumiyo for stretch marks is very popular in cosmetology. It gently cares for the skin and ensures effective elimination of stretch marks.

Mix all ingredients. Apply the product to the problem area. For honey and mumiyo to have the best effect against stretch marks, it is recommended to keep the ointment on the body for about 30 minutes. Then you can take a shower.

Honey and mumiyo effectively relieve stretch marks and fight cellulite. In addition, this ointment is an excellent medicine for eliminating acne.

Cream for stretch marks at home

It is recommended to use the product described above, containing mumiyo and baby cream, for stretch marks as a basis.

Essential oils that are recognized as anti-cellulite can enhance its effectiveness:

  1. orange;
  2. rosemary;
  3. lemon;
  4. tangerine;
  5. lavender;
  6. pink;
  7. neroli oil.

When using rock resin, remember that this substance is not able to dissolve in oil.

Therefore, prepare the cream using the usual recipe, and only when finished, add 7-10 drops of ether into it.

Questions from readers

Women who first resort to using mountain resin in the fight against stretch marks often encounter many nuances.

To dispel the fears and doubts of beautiful young ladies, cosmetologists answered the most common questions.

There are no analogues to this product. It doesn’t just mask stretch marks, the substance acts on the subcutaneous layers, restoring damaged cells and fibers.

By creating the effect of tissue regeneration, mountain resin completely heals any scars, even ten years ago.

It is more useful to use a purified product produced by manufacturers in tablets or capsules. It is much more convenient to use capsules. After all, the tablets must first be crushed.

Use essential natural little. 2-3 drops are enough for your product to begin to smell wonderful.

The following oils are excellent for these purposes:

  1. citrus – can effectively get rid of cellulite;
  2. mint – provides skin relaxation;
  3. grape seed oil – takes care of moisturizing the epidermis;
  4. pink – disinfects and eliminates irritations;
  5. ylang-ylang ether – Since ancient times it has been considered a natural aphrodisiac and an excellent antiseptic.

Reviews about the application

Shilajit is truly a universal remedy. I started using it to get rid of cellulite. I used it in combination with baby cream. Imagine my surprise when a friend asked me a question: what product did you use to remove stretch marks? Indeed, after just 1 month of using the cream, small stretch marks completely disappeared. Now I continue the fight, but not only with cellulite, but also with deep stretch marks.

Angelina, 26 years old

I used honey and mummy for stretch marks during pregnancy. The result made me very happy. After childbirth, there was not a single stretch mark left on the stomach, which cannot be said about the chest. I completely forgot about her. And now small striae have formed. But I know how to deal with them, using honey and mummy for stretch marks!

A woman with a well-groomed appearance and a beautiful figure is happier and more successful. It is this desire - to have a slender, beautiful body - that pushes young ladies to real feats of improvement: grueling workouts, strict diets, surgical procedures.

But in order to catch an enthusiastic male gaze, you don’t need to exhaust yourself at all. It is enough to pay attention to an effective and affordable remedy - mumiyo for stretch marks.

Medical expert article

Stretch marks on the body are an annoying problem that occurs for various reasons in both women and men. They form on the abdomen, hips, buttocks, and in the shoulder area of ​​the arms - as a result of pregnancy, sudden weight changes, hormonal disorders, and lack of collagen in the skin.

Does mummy help with stretch marks? This question worries many people who want to look aesthetically pleasing always and everywhere and have tried various methods for this. Complete information about the beneficial properties of mumiyo, its effect on the entire body and the skin in particular, will help you answer it.

Mumiyo is a natural mixture of organic origin that is formed in the highlands; contains organic and mineral components, microorganisms, animal excrement. In appearance, it is a homogeneous substance of dark color, with a bitter taste and a specific odor. Local residents collect mumiyo in the cracks of rocks and call it accordingly: mountain resin, juice and even blood of rocks. The name we have adopted comes from the Greek language: it is less figurative and is simply translated: “preserving the body.”

Indications for use of mumiyo for stretch marks

Mumiyo has long been famous as a therapeutic, preventive, and cosmetic product. For the first time, healing properties were discovered and actively used in ancient Eastern medicine; Nowadays, mumiyo is combined with the achievements of modern pharmacology and cosmetology. Thanks to this, the ancient medicine found a second wind.

For preventive purposes, the natural mixture has a beneficial effect on the whole organism:

  1. stimulates the immune system;
  2. promotes regeneration;
  3. enriches with useful substances.

Shilajit is used for medicinal purposes for many diseases (the list includes several dozen diagnoses). An important indication for the use of mumiyo for stretch marks is its high effectiveness in the treatment of skin diseases and defects: it helps even out the skin, heal wounds, reduce stretch marks, relieves acne, allergic manifestations, and increases elasticity.

The effect of mumiyo on the skin:

  1. smooths out defects;
  2. restores fat metabolism;
  3. heals, increases elasticity;
  4. saturates with vitamins.

Mumiyo is easy to use at home, it does not cause allergies and is suitable for all skin types.


Release form

Natural mummy is an exotic and somewhat mysterious substance. Chemically, the resin-like plastic mass is a water-soluble, unique set of various components. During storage, the mass hardens due to loss of moisture.

There is no clear opinion yet about the origin of the substance.

In addition to natural mumiyo, pharmacies and beauty salons offer more convenient forms of release:

Particularly effective - whole substance: 1 g equals 50 tablets.

Creams, ointments, and scrubs with mumiyo for stretch marks can be prepared independently using tablets, ready-made pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, vegetable flavoring oils and other ingredients.

Cream for stretch marks with mumiyo

Cream for stretch marks with mumiyo has a healing, renewing, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. Removes unevenness, pimples, scars, smoothes and lightens stretch marks, saturates the body with beneficial ingredients.

Of the pharmaceutical creams that attract the attention of women:

  1. with mumiyo and beeswax;
  2. Numio Organics.

Unfortunately, ready-made creams with this component quickly deteriorate, especially when in contact with air. In this regard, they often practice self-cooking, in portions, as needed.

The cream is prepared from tableted mummy and your favorite cream (for children, anti-cellulite):

  1. Mix 2 tablets with a spoon of boiled water (until completely dissolved), then mix until smooth with the cream squeezed out of the tube. Sprinkle your favorite scent. Transfer to a glass container, leave and store (but not for long) in the refrigerator. Adding honey enhances the effect on old stretch marks.

The cream is best absorbed into clean, steamed skin. Rub in in a circular motion or with a massage roller, rinse off after 3–4 hours. Use two to three servings per week for 3 to 4 months. To speed up the effect, use twice a day is allowed.

Mint, rose, citrus, and grape seed oils are suitable. According to reviews, lavender, bergamot, and coffee oil enhance the unpleasant odor.


Shilajit ointment for stretch marks

There is practically no difference between mummy creams and ointments for stretch marks. It was not possible to find information about pharmaceutical ointments with mumiyo, but home remedies with mumiyo are prepared using children's, nutritional, anti-cellulite creams. Here are some recipes:

  1. With cream “9 months”
  1. Mix 4 grams of the whole substance with a teaspoon of warm water until the consistency of toffee;
  2. pour into a glass jar;
  3. empty the tube, stir the mass, place in a cool place;
  4. Stir again before use;
  5. rub in in the evening, leave overnight, rinse in the morning and apply another portion.
  1. With baby cream
  1. 3 – 5 grams of mumiyo, a spoonful of water, cream – mix;
  2. leave for 15 minutes;
  3. rub into heated skin, do not rinse.

Shilajit capsules for stretch marks

Shilajit capsules for stretch marks contain a dry extract mixed with lactose. It is obtained by repeated extraction of natural raw materials at a temperature that preserves bioactive components. The process involves cleaning from insoluble ballast.

The medicine is used in two ways: orally and as part of ointments prepared with one’s own hands. The capsule protects the constituent components from premature dissolution. The drugs have the desired effect on stretch marks if they are taken regularly for three to four weeks (with meals, two pieces per day).

High-quality drugs are produced by Indian and Ukrainian manufacturers (Shilajit capsules from raw materials obtained in Nepal and the Tien Shan mountains). The product acts as a natural broad-spectrum biostimulant. Useful as an additional drug in complex therapy: the manufacturer recommends taking 1 capsule once or twice a day, half an hour before meals. The course is up to three weeks.

Before use, as well as for a repeat course, you should consult your doctor.

Scrub with mumiyo for stretch marks

Coffee scrub with mumiyo for stretch marks is especially popular. Preparation of the scrub:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of ground coffee and mumiyo, flavor with aromatic oil;
  2. add a spoonful of water, cellulite cream;
  3. Stir until all substances are completely dissolved.

Rub into problem areas for five minutes, leave for another 10 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Coffee particles, when rubbed on the body, activate blood circulation and cleanse the skin of dead epidermis. Mumiyo helps smooth out unevenness and other skin defects. It is useful to use mumiyo for stretch marks in this way twice a week.

Golden mumiyo for stretch marks

There are several color shades of mumiyo. Golden mumiyo for stretch marks - red.

The drug, called “Golden Shilajit,” is produced by the pharmaceutical company Evalar. It is included in the home remedy recipe.

  1. A 100-gram portion of cream is mixed with two grams of mumiyo and stirred thoroughly. Apply every day.

Practical tips for using mumiyo:

  1. Fresh (colored) defects will soon disappear if procedures are started before they turn white.
  2. Before first use, it is recommended to perform an allergy test (on the wrist).
  3. With vigorous rubbing, the mummy is better absorbed.
  4. The optimal time for use is before bed, after hygiene procedures.
  5. Essential oils enhance the effectiveness of golden mummy against stretch marks (10 drops per 2 g).

Altai mumiyo for stretch marks

There are several varieties of mumiyo. The most popular are brown and copper, the highest quality is black. Quality can be determined visually and by touch: a good substance is shiny, plastic.

Natural Altai mumiyo for stretch marks is packaged in small bags; it is convenient to use it to prepare products that are effective for various skin problems. Usually the size of a match head is enough for a dose of external product.

Altai mumiyo is part of the Golden Altai mumiyo / collagen / elastin cream. Applying cream with mumiyo for stretch marks:

  1. reduces color intensity, relief and length;
  2. has a local anti-inflammatory
  3. and a general strengthening effect.


Due to its exceptionally beneficial properties, harmlessness and safety, the substance has long been used in medicine and cosmetology. In particular, mummy is used for stretch marks because it:

  1. brightens skin color,
  2. reduces the depth, length and number of stretch marks,
  3. saturates the skin with natural nourishing and other beneficial ingredients.

The pharmacodynamics of mumiyo is quite complex. The complex of organic and mineral components actively influences all vital functions of the body. Biologically active substances regulate metabolic processes, accelerate reparative and adaptive reactions, and have a beneficial effect on immunity and liver functioning.

Under the influence of mumiyo, cholesterol, lipids, hemoglobin levels, leukocytes and red blood cells are normalized in the blood. The body's defense against infections increases.

When applied to problem skin, mumiyo has a positive effect not only on the epidermis, but also on the deeper layers of the skin, and the damaged dermis is restored much faster.

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